The Councillor for Citizen Security of the City of Pamplona, Javier Labairu, announced yesterday that between 6 and 14 July the installation of tables or donkeys for food or hamaiketako will not be allowed on the public road, since the holiday should be considered occupation of the public road and the corresponding fees and permits should be paid.
This was expressed yesterday in the Presidency Committee, in response to a question from the councillor of Geroa Bai, Patxi Leuza.
Javier Labairu said they are concerned about the possible agglomerations in the Casco Viejo, as the bars have defined many reservations for meals.
Alardean desfilatuta ere honek «herriaren benetazko errealitatea irudikatzen ez zuela» ikusita sortu zen 2019an Guztion Alardea, «herria polarizatua dagoelako, baina ikusten ez den masa gris handia dagoela irudikatu beharra zegoelako». Eneko Gonzalez eta... [+]