Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The City of Pamplona excludes from the institutional advertising the media in Basque

  • Since 2020, the City of Pamplona has put the media in Euskera out of institutional advertising, as they do not have 10% of the total audience. The group in favour of the Basque country has pointed out that according to the sociological survey of 2016, the total of Euskaldunes in Pamplona is 10’5%, so that “it is practically impossible to meet this requirement”.

13 April 2021 - 13:01

"We wish to protest because we are Basques from Pamplona/Iruña. We also have the right to receive information about institutional advertising in the Basque media," claimed in the Euskaraz Taldea Administration. A collection of signatures has been initiated to ask the City of Pamplona to put an end to this judicial decision.

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2024-05-17 | Sustatu
Government advertising expenditure 2023 on the practical website
In 2023 the Spanish programmer Jaime Gómez-Obregon opened the tool to explain in an understandable way the data of the advertising campaigns carried out by the Basque Government, for the period 2018-2022. You have now processed last year's data and you... [+]

2023-12-11 | Axier Lopez
Government advertising distribution
For media power to remain right-wing and Castilian speaking
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2023-12-11 | Axier Lopez
Jaime Gómez-Obregón
"Spread data with your small mouth, being transparent is something else."
The engineer Jaime Gómez-Obregón has created a very useful tool to learn more about the use of government public money. From 2018 to 2022, this organization has processed the data of all the advertising campaigns it has distributed to the media, expanded them and made them... [+]

Daniel Grabner, researcher
"Most major newspapers depend entirely on institutional advertising, they disappear without it"
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Data for 2021
The City of Donostia-San Sebastian distributes almost half a million euros to the Spanish-language media in terms of institutional advertising
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2020-07-15 | ARGIA
The Government of Navarra promotes the Spanish-language media with institutional advertising
The Government of Navarra has announced the means by which it has carried out the expenditure on institutional advertising in 2019: Diario de Navarra and Diario de Noticias are the main beneficiaries of the announcements of the Government of Chivite. The money received by the... [+]

Political allocation of EUR 8 million
What means of communication does the government’s publicity increase?
Last year the Basque Government distributed EUR 8 million in the concepts of institutional advertising and content sponsorship among the media. Many conclusions can be drawn. One: the most publicly subsidised media belong to the Vocento group and the institutions donate millions... [+]

2018-03-15 | Hala Bedi
Arabako Aldundiaren publizitatea: nora doa diru publikoa?

Zein dira publizitate bidez diru publiko gehien jasotzen duten hedabideak? Arabako Aldundiak publizitatea zein mediotan inbertitzen duen aztertu du Hala Bedik. El Correo de Álava da jaun eta jabe, publizitatearen %31,8a jasotzen baitu; nagusiki euskaraz aritzen diren... [+]

Publicity and institutional sponsorship at the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
Political instrument to influence the media
Which means of communication does it receive more money through institutional advertising and sponsorships and which are the ones left out? What are the distribution criteria? ARGIA has analysed the case of the Diputación de Gipuzkoa, which has begun to provide public data,... [+]

2017-06-05 | Xalba Ramirez
Espainiako gobernuko zortzi ministeriok ez dute publizitatean gastatutakoaren daturik eman nahi

Espainiako Gardentasun Kontseiluak zortzi ministeriori iragarkien datuak publiko egin behar dituztela exijitu ostean, salaketa jarri dute Auzitegi Nazionalean erabakia ez betetzeko.


2016-04-27 | ARGIA
Publizitate beherakada dela-eta, bilera eskatu dute euskal hedabideek Gipuzkoako Aldundian

Hedabide euskaldunak biltzen dituen Hekimen elkarteak bilera eskatu dio Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiari, erakunde horrek iragarritako publizitate instituzionalaren beherakada aztertzeko. 2015eko aurrekontuarekin alderatuta, erdira jaitsiko du euskarazko hedabideetako publizitatea... [+]

Publizitate instituzionala
Gaztelaniazkoei %97, euskarazkoei %3

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