The 50-year-old woman was seriously injured in the fire recorded on 16 October on the first floor of the 55th Gran Vía. The National Police opened an investigation with the hypothesis that the fire could have been caused by a 47-year-old man, who has been arrested for a felony of male violence. On Monday, the head of the Pamplona Court of Violence against Women reported her admission to pre-trial detention without bail for an alleged attempted murder of the woman. The man, who has a history of gender-based violence, had in force an order to leave the woman until June of this year.
The judge has sentenced him to prison for the seriousness of the facts investigated, the history of male chauvinist violence, the need to protect the woman for her state of health and for the violence previously exercised by the aggressor and the risk of male leakage.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.
Today, the voices of women and children remain within a culture that delegitimizes their voices, silencing their experiences, within a system aimed at minimizing or ignoring their basic rights and needs. A media example of this problem is the case of Juana Rivas, but her story... [+]