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The Laba association of Pamplona provokes "Seism" in the Casco Viejo

  • The Seism that Laba will bring will travel throughout the morning the streets of the Casco Viejo de Pamplona, with a multitude of acts that are not yet entirely clear.

08 October 2021 - 17:40
Last updated: 19:52

The event will start in the Plaza de San Francisco del Casco Viejo, where chocolates and churros will be offered to the attendees, and there will be a performance of bertsos and a lot of music, as reported in Euskalerria Irratia Iñaki Sagardoi Labakide. According to the radio website, “they want to keep the project secret, and for the time being they have confirmed that Vogue Kiki House of Anunnaki, the Bapat Orchestra, Kinbonbo Brass Band and Plot Aldetara Mini will be bertsos performances in the city.”

Therefore, the principle is known, but only the time of the end is known: The concert will end at 14:00 hours, with a very intense concert. As in all his communication campaign, Laba has once again preferred surprise in the face of the fear that the shaking would be greater.

Laba is a space for creation, and as explained by the association, as with volcanoes, they intend to spread lava to the whole city so that the Basque Country and the Basque culture have a dignified presence in the centre of Pamplona. As they have pointed out on numerous occasions, they intend to give a significant place to experimentation.

It is being installed next to the Hotel La Perla de la Plaza del Castillo, where the cafeteria will be installed, one of the parts gives to the plaza and the other to Calle Estafeta. It is still closed to the public, but whoever wants to see the space tomorrow. During the summer a successful collection has been carried out among the neighbors, have recently obtained the license to perform the works and the doors will be opened after their completion.

On 23 October, for example, Laban will host a joint event with the Karrikiri association throughout the morning. First, the armed struggle that historian Emilio López Adam published this year in the Basque Country. 1967-2011 will be the turn of the book with the presence of Samara Velte, Maider Premio, Emilio Majuelo and López Adam, who will review their closest past through a round table entitled: 'It's been very hard.' How to remember, how to tell the Basque conflict.

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