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The City of Pamplona begins to fill itself with arena for the Equestrian Prize

  • The Equestrian Prize of Pamplona, to be held from 2 to 12 September, will be the most massive event ever organized in the history of Navarre.

19 August 2021 - 11:31
Last updated: 13:33
Ziudadelako hipodromoak izango duen itxura
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The event will take place in the Citadel, next to the entrance to Iturrama. During these days, the area has begun to be prepared, covering the sand land. The consistory predicts that the event attracts more than 2,000 people to the capital and has highlighted that this award will be of great importance in the State's hypical circuit. In this way, it is intended to recover the tradition of horse riding in Pamplona and to disseminate the “tourist and cultural” heritage of the city.

The organizers have a budget of EUR 200,000, of which the City of Pamplona will contribute EUR 35,000. The mayor, Enrique Maya, has not wanted to reveal who is going to put the money left. The intention has raised doubts among the citizens and the opposition of the City Hall, among other issues. EH Bildu has accused the municipal government of concealing information about the prize, alleging that it does not respond to the issues raised or that it responds late.

The coalition has stressed that “the organization of a large sporting event of this kind in a public space with green areas and in a space that has as its protagonist a protected cultural heritage such as the walls of Pamplona requires, at least, a favorable report from the Gardens Service and a prior consultation with the Prince of Viana Institution about its possible influence on the walled whole”.

According to Euskalerria Irratia, the Councillor of Urbanism of the City of Pamplona is a member of the Navarra Federation of Equestrian and the former councillor of UPN and former parliamentarian Amaia Otamendi are in charge of the project.

Maya, in response to EH Bildu’s complaint, rejected Wednesday that information is being hidden, but did not report on the prize sponsors: “From the very beginning everyone knows that you are going to make that equestrian competition.”

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