The mayor of Pamplona, Enrique Maia, has recalled that in the network of municipal children's schools "there is too much supply in Euskera". This was stated on Monday at the Hello Egunsenti Children's School, at the official start of the school year for children aged 0-3. In this sense, he added that the next course (2020-2021) will be made changes in the Basque educational system.
In the last legislature, children's schools in Euskera went from two to four, with the help of Mayor Joseba Asiron, and with the support of EH Bildu, Geroa Bai, Aranzadi and Left Ezkerra. The children's schools of the City of Pamplona are eleven in total. They offer three linguistic models: Basque, Spanish and Spanish with activities in English. In Pamplona, in primary school, about 30% of children are enrolled in model D.
Tears have already started, both for children and parents, as 900 students aged 0-3 have started the course today in the network of children's schools of the City of Pamplona. During these days they will perform a personalized adaptation work. And to facilitate this adaptation, the professionals of these children's schools have created a document: Reception, manual for families. It can be found on the website of municipal children's schools and also on paper.
There are still 50 free places, distributed in eight children's schools, in particular on Hello Egunsenti, Infancy, West, Mendillorri, Hello Azpilagaña, José María Huarte, Goiz Eder and Izartegi. There are a total of 203 boys and girls on the waiting list. The fact is that the places remaining on some occasions do not correspond to the profile that applicants need, both as regards the age of the child and the duration of the day.
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