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Pamplona flag of 180,000 euros with geological study and microcialization

  • The Navarre flag of 180,000 euros, set by Mayor Enrique Maya, continues to give for the debate and the groups of the City of Pamplona have accused him of cheating on the budget in the first plenary session of the course.

07 September 2022 - 13:00
Argazkia: EITB
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

At the end of June the giant flag of Navarre was placed in the Plaza de los Fueros de Pamplona and the opposition joined the criticism of the initiative. Maya then announced that the flag would cost 100,000 euros.

The price seemed incredible, and it was hard for the people to understand how the EUR 100,000 flag was worth. Maya explained that the flag and the mechanisms surrounding it were not of all kinds and that the cost was perfectly justified. The 30 meter mast is galvanized carbon steel, with an internal motorized drizzle to raise and lower the flag. At the base of the mast there are also light projectors for good flag lighting. And at the top of the mast, it has light for aviation and lightning arrests.

At the end of August, however, Navarra Suma reported that the cost of the flag was almost double what was said: EUR 180,000 For this reason, the other groups accuse him of concealing real data. He explains that everything has become transparent, that the councilman of Strategic Projects Navarra Suma, Fernando Alonso, and the extra cost comes from the special micro-foundation made for the mast. A geological study has been carried out for this purpose.

EH Councillor Bildu, Eva Aranguren, reported that initially UPN had refused the work file and had only known the price at the end of the process, after checking the invoices. According to Maite Esporrin of the PSN, they agree with the flag of Navarre, but what they spend seems to be barbaric, more so in times of crisis. For Patxi Leuza, by Geroa Bai, Alonso has no capacity to channel such a work and requests his resignation, as we have read in the chronicle of Kepa García, of the Journal of News.

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