Some parents asked the City Council of Pamplona and the Government of Navarra to expand the number of places in Basque in order to register for all children who want to study in Basque. If not, the HE Gurasoak platform had said it would try to create a public school.
They wanted to settle in the south of Pamplona, but they have finally found their seat in Berriozar, next to the large sports establishment Decathlon. The intention is to teach for a year and for the next course, public institutions make available public places in Euskera and close the public school. The platform wants to maintain relations with public institutions throughout the course in order to solve the parents' demands.
Pre-enrolment for public school will take place between 2 and 10 July and will be attended by parents in The idea of the platform is to set tariffs similar to those of the Basque public school.
Iruñeko Euskalgintzak azaldu duenez, hirian dauden 12 udal haur-eskoletatik bakarra dago euskaraz murgiltze ereduan: "Horrek esan nahi du eskola horietan eskainiko diren 1.069 plazetatik 130 bakarrik izango direla euskaraz (%12'16a)". Eskaintza murritz hori... [+]
Haur Eskolak Euskaraz plataformak deituta, herritar talde batek protesta egin zuen otsailaren 2an Nafarroako Legebiltzarraren aurrean, Iruñeko Udalak hiriaren haur eskoletan euskararekin duen jarrera baztertzailea salatzeko.
2022-2023 ikasturterako eskaini dituzten 1.069 plazetatik soilik 130 dira murgiltze eredukoak. Beste 129 plazek euskaraz gain ingelesezko jarduerak ere izango dituzte. Haur Eskolak Euskaraz plataformak eta EH Bilduk salatu dute Navarra Sumak euskarari egindako beste eraso bat... [+]