Seeing what our people have suffered culturally for so many years, I do not understand that even today people have doubts about Eliseo Gil. Perhaps it is because of the lack of information and the lack of attitude shown by the media that are under the pressure of politicians. The objective analysis of the theme reveals that attitudes and behaviors in favor of falsehood are full of irregularities, absolutely unjustly. We are going to discuss the issue.
Firstly, the suspicious and dirty behaviour of the Provincial Council of Álava. Lorena López de Lacalle, then Member of Culture of the Provincial Council of Álava, presided over by Eusko Alkartasuna (now Bildu) and for what I have investigated Opus Dei. In 2006, Eliseo ignored the controlled tastings and the request for transfer to European laboratories and created the “experts” commission of the UPV, dependent on Spain for expulsion. Among this vocal was Joaquín Gorrochategi, professor of the European language of the UPV, who in the statements recorded after the appearance of the pieces made it clear that they were true, but being 4 days in the Pyrenees (as it says in the letter) changed his mind and said that without any support, without investigation, they were false. To me, at least, this attitude is very suspicious.
From that moment on, that person fought for falsehood and gained a great deal of weight in the committee, presided over by Lorena López de Lacalle. In fact, when on 19 November 2008 the members of the Commission last met and decided to expel Elisha, from the reports to be submitted by the members of the Commission only the Gorrochategui was delivered, as we can see on the DFA website, the rest of the reports were delivered 3 weeks or months later. On the same day Eliseo Gil and his team were expelled without being able to defend themselves with a Foral Order.
"After the expulsion of Elisha, the way was opened to do what they wanted in the field, achieving the first goal. Without embarrassment and without taking measures to dispel suspicions, the UPV took over the management of the site, if it were not enough, the vocal Julio Núñez of the archeology section of the UPV was appointed director"
After the expulsion of the Elysées, the road was opened to do what they wanted in the field, achieving the first objective. Without embarrassment and without taking measures to dispel suspicions, the UPV took over the management of the site, as if it were not enough, appointing director Julio Núñez, member of the Archaeological Commission of the UPV. But this person developed a report in favor of falsehood, right? Yes, he was a judge and a beneficiary. To prove his professionalism and honesty, Elisha introduced the uncontrolled excavator into an area of many pieces, destroying an area of 8,000 square meters (YouTube video). A platform filed a complaint, which was filed one day by the Court of First Instance and Instruction No. 1 of Barcelona. Has any institution or politician said anything to destroy the heritage of all without mercy and the evidence that Elisha used to prove his innocence? No, none.
Secondly, we will analyze the tests used to expel the Elysée. Reports developed by members of the Commission of the UPV/EHU. According to the Minutes, it was a committee of advice, but the cheap and unsubstantiated reports that are not supported at all were the precious weapons to throw Elisha out. World experts have contested these reports without any interest and without charging a euro, and have publicly assured that in many cases they are full of lies.
To mention one of these professionals, I am going to mention the archaeologist Edward Harris, perhaps the most outstanding in terms of archaeology, without pretending to belittle the other professionals who have behaved courageously and honestly. The creator of the technique used by the Elysée and the most admired of all archaeologists and archaeologists in the world, has praised the work done by Lurmen and made public that such counterfeiting is not possible. Do you think all of them would put their prestige and professionalism at stake without paying a penny or getting any interest? Why fight against the tide? Why wager on an impostor without profiting? Let us be careful! We have had to hear that the way in which the members of the UPV Board and the workers who have now worked against the Elysées were working was wrong. Just in case, the judge has rejected the reports made by Edward Harris and members of the UPV Board at the request of Elisha.
Thirdly, we will look at why they have chosen the path of science for the judicial assembly that we are seeing. It has to be said that this is the longest stage of instruction we have known in Euskal Herria, in which a citizen has had to wait eleven years without being able to exercise his profession or put on the table any physical evidence presented to him during that time. Eleven years? What can we know in a month? To me, at least, I found it suspicious.
Since the Basque writings were published in 2006, Elisha publicly requested that they be taken to European laboratories, but the Provincial Council of Álava and the Basque Government have not wanted to take them. They first took him to the UPV lab and Mr. Madariaga, to deceive the citizens, stated that a modern oil component had appeared, so graphites were false. But what was that? One of the components of the usual queues in all the deposits of the world for the bonding of parts. What was it about in the report? When he saw the mistake, the graphite pointed out that you couldn't tell if they were old or recent. When did you submit the report? In December, it should be noted that Elisha was expelled on 19 November.
Years later, when Eliseo Gil asked the judge to perform the data, the Spanish machinery was in operation. The pieces were transferred to the “Cultural Heritage Institute”, where they had not been trained to conduct this type of research, what do you expect from that reader? Can you expect tests to confirm Elisha's innocence? As you would expect, modern metals appeared. What would have all the parts of the world's reservoirs appeared. During the trial, geologist Mikel Albisu has physically shown that the small amounts of metal that have appeared have been contaminated by external agents, which means that if they falsified a punch it would leave more sand. What do you want after passing the lock or brush to clean the pieces, as is usual in the world of archaeology? In my imagination I see Martin Almagro Gorbea, head of the “Real Academia de la Historia de España”, pulling over metal pieces taken from the “Spanish Steels” factory. This painful investigation was not signed by a working group, but by a person. To make dates is to make a serious study of the cavities, that is known to all Basque archaeologists who have not given their faces for the Elysées, but better quietly for what to put my profession at stake. This lack of empathy has dazzled them and they have not realized that someday what has happened to Elisha can happen to them. They say that a lot of research has been done, but it is a lie, a group of friends from Elisha have been prepared to put EUR 12,000, but they have not wanted to take the graffiti to Europe and have judicialised the scientific issue, because those who want to cover it all have power there, so I think at least.
"This is the longest education stage we have ever known in Euskal Herria, in which a citizen has had to wait ten years without being able to exercise his profession or put on the table any physical evidence that has been presented to him during that time. Eleven years?
Fourthly, we will look at the media’s attitude to this issue. In El Correo, the newspaper that reads the most among us, we see that the word “presumed” has not yet reached its dictionaries. Calls, better if you change your name and call your newspaper. But the most regrettable thing is that from newspapers such as “Gara” and “Berria”, where the Spaniards have crushed without mercy, they see the passive attitude they have had in this very serious and important issue and, sometimes, in favor of the adversaries. Above all, painful statements on YouTube about the joke and pride that Zaldi Ero has often made around an still innocent citizen. The censorship and manipulation of public media such as EITB in the follow-up to this trial is unacceptable and denounceable. During the days of the trial, the Elysée was only stabbed him, giving him the information they wanted and as they wanted. Oskar's acceptance sold us like a bombshell. Gorrochategui also said in the media that he had caught him by surprise, and wow! Oskar accepted the usual joke of archaeologists in 2005 and has never concealed it. Our journalists are ruthless and Gorrochategui looks like a cypress. At a time when the issue is on the surface, in the Ganbara de Radio Euskadi program we have 3 colloquia, all very expert and in favor of falsehood. Isn't there anyone who defends authenticity? However, no expert commented on the excavator's story. The media have not given a single testimony in favor of the Elysée, the AFA restorers who investigated the famous “RIP” have confirmed that it does not, have you said anything about it? Those who signed under pressure for falsehood have left us their testimonies. Recently, the Basque philologist Gorka Knörr, his brother Enrique, defended authenticity until death, until the last sigh, has he made public on Twitter twice that he had received pressure from two people from the UPV to sign in favor of falsehood? Has any media or journalist said anything about all this? My impression is that the sentence has been written for 11 years, but now we only need to deceive the citizens with the help of the media and convince them that they are false without making any evidence. I have the impression that little is left to achieve the final objective.
Finally, we will analyze how the hands of those who are against the Basque Country and the Basque culture are rubbed. Behind all this we can intuit that there are those who have been with the business of religion for a long time and create the history of Spain. In fact, if we look at one by one those in the salsa, we see that they have to do with these two columns. In addition, what appeared in Iruña–Veleia affects these two pillars in all their dimensions, on the one hand the history of Christianity that has sold us for years is at stake, and on the other hand the theory that Euskera comes from outside Spain is at stake. Through ETB and Alberto Santana they have managed to reach our house a theory without any kind of foundation. Although the only objective is to despise our culture, our history and our language and question our identity, our public environment supports and promotes this theory. This theory seems to me to directly influence the future of the Basque Country and the assimilation process. Otherwise, the promoters would not have paid him so much attention. Don't you think so?
While our politicians, Basque journalists, Basque institutions, Basque philologists, Basque archaeologists and Euskaltzaindia are opposed to clearing up and silence their filings, this unfortunate show with those who write the history of Spain and the documentary Euskalduntze Berantiarra that ETB emits over and over again with popcorn or “artotxos” (ez?) I will continue to see it.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
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