By arguing for terrorism, Covida, Ukrainian war…, every six months the French Government finds an excuse to maintain its controls between Irun and Hendaia. It continues to renew these controls for a minimum period of six months: “Over the next six months they will keep the border closed and we cannot accept it, because we know perfectly well that these limitations are the result of a racist immigration policy,” said Eñaut Aramendi of the LAB union.
On Tuesday afternoon, two columns have emerged, one from Hendaia and the other from Irún, which have gathered at the bridge of Avenida, between both localities, under the motto “Breaking borders, building bridges”. On the bridge of Avenida there is a fence that prevents the passage of pedestrians, and on the bridge of Santiago, police control. They have managed to remove the fence existing on the bridge of Avenida, and although the authorities have ordered its replacement, the citizens have claimed that Euskal Herria is a welcoming village.
They stress that border controls cause migrants to adopt unsafe routes, so nine people have died in recent years, according to data from the Irun Reception Network.
The Irun Reception Network, Etorkinekin Diakite, Welcome Refugees, Bizi, Unsa, Sos Racism, Ehun, Xuti Gazte, Intziri, Bagera, Sos Racism, CGT, CFDT, Solidaires, EH Berdeak and EH Berdeak have joined in protest.
Population that sees migration as a problem, minority
On the other hand, the Basque Immigration Observatory, Ikuspegi, has presented the latest edition of the barometer that measures the perceptions and attitudes of the Basque population towards the population of foreign origin. It is explained that the attitude of the CAPV population is positive and that the tolerance rate towards the population of foreign origin continues to increase to reach 69.28 points. Only 5.7% of the Basque population considers migration a problem for CAPV, according to the study.
Ikuspegi pointed out that in previous economic crises the level of tolerance and confidence towards foreign people has decreased in Basque society, but this time it has not been so.
Migrante eta iheslari guztientzat bide seguruak eta erregulazioa eskatu dituzte Trintxerpe eta Donostia batu dituen Arrazakeriaren eta Xenofobiaren Aurkako 25. martxak.
Pairatu jazarpen hau dela eta, haien "harridura" eta "mina" nabarmendu dute Etorkinekin elkartasun sarekoek. Migratzaileak laguntzen segituko dutela argi utzi du Ipar Euskal Herriko kolektiboak.
Irun eta Hendaia arteko mugen hestearekin, Afrikatik heldu migranteentzat bereziki gaitz da mugaren zeharkatzea.