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The border between Irun and Hendaia will be cut until at least 30 April

  • The terrorist threat "remains extremely high", and France's administrative borders will continue to be protected until at least 30 April. The French Government therefore continues to impose this dangerous obstacle on immigrants on the way.

21 October 2021 - 07:42
Last updated: 09:43
Urriaren 12an, trenak leherturik, Donibane Lohizunen hildako hiru etorkinen oroimenez egin elkarretaratzea
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The border between Irun and Hendaia will continue to be cut, at least until 30 April 2022. This has been made known by the French Government in its letter to the European Council of 2 October. The reason, the same as so far: "The threat of terrorists remains of extreme magnitude in the current situation," he added.

Since the attack on Charlie Hebdo in 2015, the French Police has increased border controls in France, which were extended until 2015. From then on, six months from then on, border control is completely extended. Fourteen of these days have been tried for this attack in Paris. The French Government considers that the terrorist threat to this trial is "very great".

In this period it also gives the reason for COVID-19 when explaining the decision.

Immigrants, risking life

The lives stolen by the Bidasoa or destroyed by the train are therefore of little importance to the Paris authorities. Since the beginning of the year, six people have lost their lives by crossing the administrative border between Irun and Hendaia, which may be more, but at least six have been the bodies captured.

Let us remember that a year ago President Emmanuel Macron decided to double the number of police officers guarding the borders of the Pyrenees. In addition, in January, the Prefect of the Atlantic Pyrenees, Eric Spitz, announced eight border crossings between Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria, always "for the fight against terrorism".

Each year, around 7,000 migrants arrive in Ipar Euskal Herria – about 600 immigrants spend each month at the Baiona Pause Centre. In fact, since 2018, a road has developed that goes from North Africa to the south of Spain, which has been complicating other roads until then – the entry of Greece and Italy to Europe has become increasingly complicated, and access to Croatia has been tremendously violent.

With widespread or systematically controlled administrative restrictions, immigrants are forced to adopt dangerous routes.

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