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Imagine amazing stories.

  • We tried not to think about what the glamour of the Festival left behind. Between 17 and 26 September, the centre of San Sebastian and the triangle of the Old Part with the beach of Zurriola no more has been said about Zinemaldia. And once the cleaning trucks have taken the last inputs -- we just have to reflect on what happened.  

27 September 2021 - 09:08
Last updated: 11:34
Argazkia: Erik Witsoe

There may be many ways to make film reviews. For me, it's not easy to make the commentary parts, as we were taught when we were little: introduction, arguments, content, conclusion... Either the consequences devour me in the first entry, or the argument escapes when I arrive, or I have no substance in the end. It's not the most orderly mode, but as absurd as separating form and content is thinking that ethics and aesthetics can be separated. It is true that to make a comment on the programming of the Festival I would have to watch all the movies, or get and statistically fulfill the legitimacy percentage; this is not my case. However, I believe that, from what I have seen, I can explain that he has missed stories that are not usual, as well as writing notes for possible scripts, so that you can imagine films that no one is going to make.

I imagine the woman who has spent all the money in the game. White hair, aged appearance, discreet suit. It would be a neighbour of Cinco Villas, newly indebted at the casino in Lesaka. In the village, of course, nobody can know anything. Even less so the children and grandchildren who dream of their heritage, especially them, could not know anything. It's not an unthinkable story, it's not something new; you know the lost cottages playing mus in your own family. But they're also not obvious issues. Women's hobbies, who want to enjoy while they live rather than giving money to their heirs, non-Christians. That could be Casino.

Now we can move on to a second script. I imagine a child who secretly finds the edges of sexuality with his cousin. The game of nudity, the innocence that is wisdom, the first steps to get away from parents. Which, by chance, they keep secret, even though they don't know what they're doing. Until they have been taken away from him... and until his father, furious, cannot accept what he has lived on his skin... Or until it takes you to reflect on your own experiences, if you're a little lucky.

And the other, the fantasy, the documentary: the same thing. I can imagine a homosexual man who has heard of medicinal herbs, a witch. The man will poison his boss, gradually sharing with the food a mixture of herbs, inspired by the cyanides of Sara Montiel. This would not at all be a novel issue: the testimonies of the vendetta taken by several women who have beaten men are in secret. But you still don't know.

All or all of them are real and unreal. They're not amazing because they're impossible or because we can't connect with them. But not because they're unusual forms of reasoning. They don't exist because they're not mentioned, because they're secret, but they exist in our thoughts. I'd like to put a mission to every movie that's built: make it impossible, incredible. Take us out of the usual areas and put a copy into the option of transforming other worlds.

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