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Smiles vs banners

  • Some have found few smiles in schools that have opened again. There were few smiles and too many banners somewhere. This imbalance has been considered significant by the new Education Advisor, Jokin Bildarratz. Well, as teachers, we were born long ago in the explanations, it is easy to argue the indignation and pain behind the banners:

● The month of February ends, in March the first signs of the SARS-COV-2 virus appear in the Basque Country. The expansion is evident and reflects the social concern that emerged in the educational centers. There are hundreds of trips planned for these dates throughout the CAV. Unfortunately, we know the decision we will have to take, the health of students and teachers cannot be called into question. However, we turn to the administration, because in this situation of emergency they will take this matter into account, they cannot leave us without direction. After several calls we realize that we were wrong, at the moment they have not been able to make that decision, even though all the centres in Vitoria-Gasteiz are closed. Once again, it is up to us to get wet, not knowing what is going to happen to the money that the parents have put on us. Thank you, from the Department of Education, we are emphasised in the importance of organizing these trips, sometimes even applauding us, because everything has to be said.

● Two days later, we realize that we have to leave the centers. In a hurry we have to evict the school. Make students not assimilate a holiday period, detect students who did not have a computer running, etc., a long time and so on, frantic hours.

● The following day, we teachers accumulate forces to immerse ourselves in a new challenge that we do not know with responsibility. We agreed on a telematic plan to get the virtual classrooms to parents and students. We don't have time to worry about the pre-screen hours that will start out immeasurably.

● The month of April has come, we have spent two weeks with our mobile phones and inseparable personal computers, with the aim of guaranteeing the right to education of our students. Suddenly, through the media, former Education Counselor Cristina Uriarte tells us that we can distribute the computers of the centers. Apparently, the socio-economic and cultural gap that exists in the world is now called the digital divide, as if a computer fixed everything. However, once again, we already had the computers separated so that they don't get lost.

● The weeks go by and the administration is gone. Meanwhile, teachers, students and parents look at a screen; videotutorials, videoconferences, daily bread. All of a sudden, with all of us confined, we take the new evaluation criteria of this year from the television. We're not going to start arguing about them because we can get too long, but we think we have other channels to realize that. But no, again, in this play they make us feel like spectators.

● In May, meetings and debates between screens are followed so that no one is left behind in the main challenge of analyzing the evolution of the students. Television and the press become nightmares when we believe that we have dealt with a new party. Cristina Uriarte and Nekane Murga tell us that we have to open the centers in a generalized way. There are sudden hurdles everywhere, they propose that the students return when the teachers have not returned. How can we guarantee security measures? Where are the PPE? How to reconcile the classroom with telematics? We have not yet received any contingency plan and it is not up to us to design it, in general we are not experts in it. Josu Erkoreka has a solution to all this, as he is convinced that the centres have undergone a process of disinfection and that the hydroalcoholic solution is about to arrive. Our center is disinfected, but because the two cleaners we have have assumed the burden of that essential task, without the PPE and the new resources that have made us reach. This work, neglected for years and generally carried out by women, has suddenly become an indispensable job and has not been taken into account. Even though they were on strike in March, they left him to serve us. But who is responsible for monitoring these emergency workers? In the midst of the uproar, Iñigo Urkullu tells us that July can be a good time to make elections everywhere.

● From the Management we are clear, for the students to return, it will be for reinforcement sessions or extraordinary exams in June, in a very controlled and progressive manner. It doesn't matter, we have Arantxa Tapia face to face saying that we have to go back to work, because that's what the other sectors have done. This does not know that, as of March, we have turned some corners of our houses into classrooms. In addition to undermining the enormous amount of work that has been done, it is very insulting.

● The month of June has come, the teachers return to the centers, and from time to time we have attended a few students, guaranteeing all the measures. It seems that we can take the course, a small feeling that we have kept this lockdown struggle. However, in the Management, anxiety prevails as an objective for the next course. The Department of Education has disappeared again, there is talk of elections in the media but in September classroom classes are guaranteed; we are not presented with concrete measures, protocols, resources and instructions.

● The month of July comes and all our fears become reality. The 20-21 course will have to be prepared in the same way as the previous course, with the same resources as usual, and with the same contingency plan that has been sent to all schools in the Community (both children, primary and secondary), in which we will have to design three different scenarios. If that weren't true, we could put what we experienced during these two summer months into a science fiction and parody film.

● The month of September comes, the time to start what is designed by the management. Nervousness and discomfort everywhere. We believe in classroom school, we don't want to virtualize our activity on screens, but the health of the entire educational community is at stake; the health and the right to education of students as well. The plan adapted to the centre can hardly go ahead because of the scarcity of resources. No provision has been made since March and educational institutions have been charged with their responsibilities. We teachers have been prepared and are prepared for the effort. We have demonstrated this in recent months, but we have seen the Department of Education separate and, when it has taken some step, the establishment of the centres has been advanced. Lack of leadership in general. We are outraged, we just want a consensual and safe return. And this time, yes, OK, let's go on strike. Then, the newly named lehendakari Urkullu says that “the centers have been closed in summer, while they work.” What we were lacking, our work has been repeatedly underestimated, they have placed their responsibilities in the centres, they have not provided us with resources, with what objectives does lehendakari make these statements? The demands we make today are not those caused by a virus. This pandemic has left more than ever the demands made for years to come. The decrease in ratios has always been considered as a necessity, both at the pedagogical and academic level, to give a better attention to the students' needs. What the pandemic has made clear is that, despite health, it is not feasible to put 25 adolescents in 40 square meters. We know this all of a sudden. Securing the ratios of 15 students proposed by the WHO can be very difficult, due to the lack of infrastructure and teachers. But we are convinced that we must face the challenge with more priority than ever; by seeking consensus we must strengthen and rebuild one of the most important pillars that this people needs, looking with ambition to the near future. Our goal is a quality Basque public school, based on feminist values, that responds equitably to the needs of students, that meets the needs of students in general above the socioeconomic imbalances of the families. We firmly believe in this, all we need is for the Department of Education to begin to do the same, with public investments, forecasts, proposals and concrete actions, with political will. So let's start with tens of years lost, but we know what the way is. Just like that, we'll feed the centers smiling. Only then will the correlation between smiles and banners be altered.

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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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