Neither Youtube, nor Instagram, nor Facebook. Groups of young people from different towns of Euskal Herria use pirated radios to communicate, share content and reflect with the rest of Basque citizenship. With very few resources, but full of imagination. Lasarte-Oria, Lezo, Zumaia and Oñati (Gipuzkoa) have been the localities where some of these pirates have been created these weeks of confinement.
In Zumaia, for example, the pirate radio is broadcasting at FM 93.00 frequency, and can also be heard on the Ivoox platform and on the Telegram channel. “We started creating the radio a couple of years ago,” explains Asier Etxaniz, a member of the radio station that presents the Katuplaza program with Julen Aperribai. “But the City Hall didn’t give us premises and didn’t make progress. When the lockdown started, three young people started the radio." At first they only played music, but soon after Etxaniz and Aperribai started making the Katuplaza radio show. “We worked on popular issues and interviewed the people of the village. In the last chapter, for example, a fisherman. We also give news of the people,” explains Etxaniz. The program does not have a defined frequency. The next chapter, in any case, will be held tomorrow at 17:00.
In Lezo, the pirate radio was created by the group of young people who launched the magazine Zeorri in Donostia-San Sebastián. “For some time we had in mind dealing with issues that are more suitable for oral work through the radio program or issues that we could not discuss in the journal. So far, however, we have not had time to shape all of this. Although the program has taken place in the lockdown, it is not an isolated attempt, as in the field of communication we had already worked in the past”, explained the members of Zeorri Aitzol Saizar, Ainhoa Salaberria and Aitor Salaberria. “Our activity has become to collect the creations of citizenship and to shape what it has received. But we don't want it to be a mood session. That is why we try to work our own content and we have turned the interviews into the place of that elaboration”. The first two chapters of the series can be heard in the EITB Ivoox platform.
In Oñati, Antixena is a group of young people who have launched the pirate radio. On YouTube you can hear the first two "late and bad" chapters in which the program will be broadcast.
In Lasarte-Oria, the Palmondo radio station has been launched. The idea emerges in the support network of the people to create a meeting space “to communicate and socialize”. They address containment experiences and other issues. They do two weekly sessions: “Wednesday is more political; Saturday is more informal.” Sessions can be heard on the blog.
Egitarau mardula prestatu dute Bergarako irrati libreko kideek: musika, literatura eta tailerrak. Besteren artean, martxoaren 29an Txapa Eguna egingo dute.
Hala Bedik Izan Media tailerren edizio berria antolatu du. Tailer hauen helburua herri mugimenduak zein norbanakoak komunikazioaren arloan ahalduntzea da, eta bide batez, Hala Bediren proiektu komunikatiboan inplikatzea.