The Irizar E-mobility workers began the indefinite strike on 25 April. On 16 May the strike ended with the agreement between the workers and the management. Improvements achieved by workers are as follows:
- Wage increases above the CPI for the three years of the agreement (2022-2023-2024)
- Improvements in night savings
- Improvements in departures and diets
- Reduction of irregular working hours
- Reduction of annual working hours
- Improvements in categories
The Works Committee reports in the note it has published: "This pact would not have been possible without the commitment and struggle of the 180 workers we have been on strike. It has become clear once again that the workers’ rights are achieved through the labour struggle and that the strike is worthwhile." They are grateful for the support received from the social and political players.
ELA, LAB, ESK, Steilas, Etxalde eta Hiruk herri ekimen legegilea aurkeztu dute Eusko Legebiltzarrean eta Nafarroako Parlamentuan, gutxieneko soldata propio baten alde etra lanbide arteko akordio bat lortu nahi dute. Eusko Jaurlaritzak begi onez ikusi du ekimena, baina akordioa... [+]
Budgets and the closure of annual accounts are nothing more at this time, from the domestic economy to most of the socio-economic spaces that we share. Large companies have begun to extract calculators and implement major plans for 2025. Small and medium-sized institutions and... [+]
On 5 December last, pp presented in the Parliament of Navarra a proposal for a law to decouple the processes of functionalization of the Secretariat and Intervention positions of the local entities of Navarra. If this were to happen, about 30 people would achieve well-deserved... [+]