Just as reading the texts themselves is nothing more than a review, publishing one's own opinions is not the presentation of a thesis in society, but the sale to others of the result of each one's subjectivity. Those who form the collective are often the synthesis of a real conflict, the complex collages of personal opinions for and against.
You also have to know how to wear shoes on. It is not foolish to say to a lot of people that their opinion is unreasonable, to ask them not to take it into consideration, to ask them not to listen to it, to ignore it. A shot to the sky as if the bullet had nowhere to go. Meanwhile, a chaparron of incessant opinions, wet to the knees.
It's not an easy task to recognize that our words make an impact, but please try, it's not that much.
Among so many dissidents who think and have nothing to say, in the meantime, wanting to electrocute your brain is for many the option of not thinking. He who does as if he did not know, knows well, even if it seems ironic, what responsibility he has in his hands; he takes advantage of ignorance as Fairy to take it out of his hands. Every time someone decides to be an active mochuelo, an angelito dies in the sky.
We don't want to give the impression that we know more than anyone with a firm seriousness, we want to challenge and make humor. I'm acting on behalf of everyone, five voices or five times a voice.
Writing collectively, and above that signing collectively, is also a protection insurance. Because it is also a great advantage to share joys, compliments, mocks and responsibilities among the five. We can't feel impostors when your work isn't just yours, because we have more to accept merits.
You can't face what we say, maybe a logo. And that also changes the way we collect what we say: it's not the text written by this student, it's not written by that bertsolari or by that militant. However, if they have a goal, they are the product of a whole and not an unintelligible potpourri. The Lower Band writes, and not every one of us, if that's possible.
We could write a nice column. Full of adornments, full of everyday details, in a first person singular rooted, full of cursive comments and modernisms (well, that is also what we do), with expressions such as: I was told recently, I heard it the previous day, I read it in the newspaper. Write in writing because you've been asked for it and you don't want to lose that job.
In order to escape from the above, we tried to turn the staff into a critical tool. We do not want to tell you our intimities free of charge if they are not significant pieces to express an opinion. We don't want to give the impression that we know more than anyone with a firm seriousness, we want to challenge and make humor. I act on behalf of everyone, five times a voice or five times.
We have also begun to look for what to say, because for us poetry has, on many occasions, been the easiest path. Used to playing to be suggestive, he doesn't know exactly what to say and gets used to the reader's free interpretation, really losing what to say. We believe that the minimum of a convulsive spine is to know how to say what remains to be said if it was something.
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Gezurra badirudi ere, irudia ez dago Tolosako inauterietan eginda. Munduko herrialderik jendetsuenen artean, laugarrenean da, pasa den astean. Kameraz inguratuta, bi gizoni 80 eta 85 zigorrada eman dizkiote bizkarrean. Haien bekatua: gorputzaz elkarrekin gozatzea. Aceh... [+]
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