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Biden authorises Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russia

  • USA, Joe Biden, he's handed over the witness to Donald Trump. However, before the end of his term of office, all media outlets have made the announcement: It has authorised Ukraine to use ATACMS long-range missiles in the Kursk region in eastern Russia (Ukraine).

Zelenski eta Biden, pasa den ekainean. AEBko Defentsa Ministerioa

18 November 2024 - 10:18
Last updated: 14:05
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski has on several occasions urged Biden to allow the use of the 300-kilometre range missiles, and now the US President has given his "yes", as announced by major local media, which have not yet made an official statement. Why now? Apparently, the decision could be supported by the intervention of North Korea, according to the newspaper The New York Times, citing official sources in Washington. About 10,000 North Korean soldiers, according to data provided by EE.UU, have joined the war to help the Russians. Ukraine, in the Kursk region, has been under the control of Ukraine since the summer and Russia, with the help of North Korea, wants to regain its control. The intention of the United States is to warn North Korea that its troops are "vulnerable" and that it should not send more soldiers to Russia, he added.

There is also another fact related to Biden’s decision: Shortly after Russia launched a massive attack on Ukraine’s energy system, we have known the long-range missile environment in the United States. Russia has launched 120 missiles and 90 drones this weekend, killing two people, according to the same sources. Zelenski has reported that several regions have run out of electricity infrastructures.

It remains to be seen whether permission to use missiles will alter the nature of the conflict, even though Russia has spoken of the "Third World War". The Kremlin spokesman, Dimitri Peskov, said that the United States "is on fire" and "tension is increasing" and Putin said that the decision demonstrates that the NATO countries, the United States and Europe are "fighting Russia".

The U.S. position after Donald Trump’s victory

Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential elections could change the role of the United States in the war between Ukraine and Russia, experts have highlighted. Trump has announced that the war will end when he takes office as President of the Czech Republic. Trumpism written by Mikel Aramendi in ARGIA, as explained by the geopolitical interest in the analysis above the principles: "Consistent with the common mind of the U.S. security zones and strategy, Trump firmly believes that the enemy is China. In addition to the main one, the only one, all other persecutions would be lower-level, almost exclusive circumstances. And that nuance makes him directly clash with one of the fundamental pillars of the geostrategy of the Biden and Obama administrations: for them, if Russia has been an eternal and unadaptable enemy, Trump believes or pretends that the United States must reconcile itself with Russia and make it hostile to China. That is why it has been clear from the outset that the war in Ukraine is an unforgivable mistake on the part of the Biden Administration, above all because it has pushed Russia into the arms of China. It must embark on the reverse path from the first day of its mandate."

Josep Borrell applauds Biden's decision

The head of EU diplomacy said that Ukraine "should be able to use" the weapons sent by the allies, "not only to stop the arrows, but also to hit the arches". The EU has said it will continue to support Ukraine because "nothing has changed", despite Trump's victory in the US presidential elections. "There is a war, Ukraine defends itself, Russia continues to attack and we will continue to work together. We must help Ukraine in good time, as quickly as possible and as quickly as possible."

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