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Open the deadline for the presentation of works for the Urruzuno literary contest

  • The prize will consist of a five-day literary stay. In total, there will be 20 winners and the centres will also be awarded.

09 January 2024 - 10:37
Argazkia: IREKIA

On 8 January they have opened the deadline for the Urruzuno literary contest, which will remain open until 29 February. Students of 3 and 4 years of ESO, Baccalaureate and Secondary Education will be able to participate in the competition organized by the Department of Education of the Basque Government. A total of 20 works will be awarded and the prize will consist of a five-day literary stay in the summer of 2024. The winners will have the opportunity to conduct literary workshops, perform creative work and meet Basque writers.

You can send works in Basque, both poetry and prose. The subject is free and the work should be original. Two categories will be distinguished: Category A for the 1st and 2nd Baccalaureate and Secondary Education Cycles, and category B for students of 3rd and 4th ESO.

The organization notes that the jury will take into account the criteria of imagination and creativity, the literary characteristics of the text, the agility and coherence of the text and the correct use and richness of the language. The jury will be composed of five Basque writers and a technician from the Department of Education.

Award also for schools

The Basque Government has emphasized that the five centers that present the most work will be awarded to recognize and thank the “effort” of the centers and the teaching staff: “The awarded centers will be able to hold two sessions of the Writers in Schools program of the Department of Education. With the twenty works awarded, the Department of Education will publish a book in the Sagastiberri section that will be distributed in secondary schools.

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