The programme focuses on round tables and conferences. The organizers have differentiated three spaces – reflecting, building and fighting together – and in each of them there will be activities at once, in the mornings in a single turn and in the afternoons in two. For the smaller ones, three spaces have also been organized – creative space, space of movement and quiet area – both in the morning and in the afternoon. During meals and tables there will be cultural performances: poetry, rap music, bertsolarism, monologues, folkaraoke... Reception and closing events, mural painting or market and tomato tasting will take place on Wednesday and Sunday on Saturday morning. Sunday, the last day of camping, will be the day of the march among other things, Eucalyptus no, oak yes! Under the motto. Breakfasts, meals and dinners will be offered daily.
Diversity and convergence
The organizers wanted the program to be as fun and inclusive as possible, as explained to Argia the organizers of the event. On the topic of round tables, it has been attempted to bring the debates and “living” struggles of popular movements today. Territoriality has been taken into account, attempts have been made to integrate as many political families as possible, to ensure the contribution and presence of people and racialized movements, or to make an offer that is of interest to all age groups.
Priority will be given to the Basque Country and there will be a translation service in all sessions. The program seeks to make women* more numerous and the feminist approach transversal and comprehensive. As for the methodology, the contributions of the rapporteurs, as well as the generation of debate, collective knowledge and complicity among all people, will be given importance.
The ITT organisation has called on citizens and militants to register as soon as possible. To this end, they have launched a website to publicize the project.
Udan izandako indarkeria kasuen gorakada batetik, eta hainbat gizonezkok mugimendu feministak antolaturiko ekitaldiak boikotatu dituztela bestetik, Bortziriak, Xareta, Azkain, Bertizarana, Malerreka eta Baztango mugimendu feministek, erakunde publikoen konpromiso irmoa exijitu... [+]
Palestina, mediatikoki aurkeztua ez den bezala, aipatu zen joan den larunbatean Makean, mintzaldi, tailer, merkatu eta kontzertuen bidez.