The initiative will consist of four main blocks:
1- Discussion and reflection on various topics. "In addition to looking for the weak points of the enemy, we will look for the contradictions of ourselves," say the members of Territorio. "What kind of models of militancy do we practice? What kind of commitments do we make? What has the Catalan process taught us? Can we transform the Basque Country from below and to the left of our white and socioeconomically integrated movements? How to refine the forms of struggle, alliances, conflicts and violence? What kind of liberating dialogue can be built between organizations and popular movements?"
2- Strategies will be shared and agreed to continue building popular power."Sewing networks of those who disagree with the current political situation, building alliances, organizing specific fights for next spring."
3- The sovereignty of life has been cultivated: Participants will learn about community experiences in the fields of food sovereignty, housing, care, energy, employment, finance...
4- A collective initiative will be held on September 23rd. This will be announced at a later date, in accordance with the publication of the detailed programme.
"We're going to put life at the center," says Tierra Libre. "It will be an antipatriarchal, anti-capitalist, community, self-formed and self-critical, combative and joyful field."
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