According to Josy Arrossagaray, director of Txalet de Irati, "time is changing up there." He explains that weak winds and changes in temperature make working with snow difficult and that is why they have decided to close the slopes. In the 2021-22 season the slopes were also closed, one year earlier they were opened for three days and in 2022-23 only eight days.
Climate change will force you to close cross-country slopes, but not rackets. In the new season they will continue to organize tours with rackets and other activities that are usually carried out during the summer, such as mountain trips and organized in collaboration with local agents, among others, as explained by Arrossagaray in the Mediabask media: "We have a multifunctional team that we want to make local agents work, we want to be a path for them. For example, we want to be able to offer mountain departures in Basque." He adds that as for the posts of Chalets de Irati, it will not affect the head of the houses.
Artificial snow, essential
According to the Pirenaico Observatory on Climate Change (OPCC), 63% of the mountain stations without artificial snow should be closed within a few years, and yet the destination of one in three is to disappear, especially those that are south or at the lowest altitude. In the Spanish state, 52% of the slopes of the six largest ski resorts (five of the Pyrenees and Sierra Nevada) are equipped with cannons to generate artificial snow, as stated in the report issued by the Ballena association Blanca.Estos and many more are the data you will find in the long report “Sport and Climate Emergency” (ARGIA 2.879).
Zubiak eraiki Xiberoa eta Boliviaren artean. Badu jadanik 16 urte Boliviaren aldeko elkartea sortu zela Xiberoan. Azken urteetan, La Paz hiriko El Alto auzoko eskola bat, emazteen etxe baten sortzea, dendarien dinamikak edota tokiko irrati bat sustengatu dituzte.
I have recently worked in class on Etxahun Barkox’s beautiful and touching cobla. The bad guy! The afflictions of the house began because of the creation of the “praube with beauty”, but in seventeen years she had entered the sea of misfortune, having to abandon the girl... [+]
Maule, 1892. Eight women from the Salazar Valley headed home from the capital of Zuberoa, but on the way, in Larrain, they were shocked by the snow and all were killed by the cold. Of the eight, seven names have come: Felicia Juanko, Felipce Landa, Dolores Arbe, Justa Larrea,... [+]
XIX. mendearen bukaeratik Lehen Mundu Gerrara arte xiberotarrek gutun bidez ukandako komunikazioa ikertu du Elorri Arkotxak Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan eginiko tesian.
Espartingileek ez dute nahi beste saldu uztailean eta ekainean. Turismoak beheiti egin du uda honetan Ipar Euskal Herrian eta supermerkatuek espartina gutxiago manatu dituzte.
Born 27 June 1944. The German soldiers carried out a raid on a small town of about 80 inhabitants of Zuberoa. Eight people died on the spot and nineteen were arrested, all civilians, nine of whom would be deported and only two would survive from the concentration camps in which... [+]