Irati lives with her mother in Aranjuez prison, where her father is also, but in another módulo.El March 8, Irati will be 3 years old and will be forced to leave prison. You will be separated from your padres.Como answer, the dynamic Irati gurasarekin Euskal Herrira has been created and in recent months several initiatives have been carried out: Claim Irati’s rights on International Day of Childhood, press conferences, bring Olentzero and Mari Domingi’s gifts to Zaballa prison…
In the absence of a month for Irati to distance herself from her parents, this Saturday a pasacalles was held with departure at the Plaza del Arriaga in Bilbao, in which they have claimed the rights of the girl and the children with backpack. Music, dance, heads and rockets have been the protagonists, with proposals and demands in a festive atmosphere.
In Eztizen Artola, participant of the Irati Gurasoak initiative and that she has also been a girl with backpacks, she went to the initiative. He insisted that the demands are fulfilled and that a step further is being taken with the transfer of competences.
Yogurinha Borova and Katixa Agirre also participated in the initiative. The first dance those who approached Bilbao on Saturday and Agirre used the following words to reclaim the rights of children: "Today there are many ways to hurt boys and girls. All they need is the love and protection of their parents. Because Irati can't raise her voice, here's ours."
Motxiladun haurra izango da Izadi, Maria Lizarraga eta Iñigo Gutierrez euskal presoen alaba. Igandean bete ditu hiru urte, eta legeak hala dioenez, Aranjuezeko espetxetik atera dute urtemuga egunean, amagandik banatuta. Aitarekin elkartu da, Gutierrez ostiralean aske utzi... [+]
Domekan, hilaren 23an, Iñigo Gutierrez (Algorta) eta Maria Lizarraga (Burlata) presoen alaba den Izadik hiru urte beteko ditu eta, ondorioz, gurasoengandik banatzera behartuko dute. Hori salatzeko, Izadi Gurasoekin Etxera ekimenak manifestazioa egingo du Algortan, Txiki... [+]
X Xua da. Xua Lasagabaster Uranga.
X Olatz da. Olatz Lasagabaster Anza. Amatxo.
X Patxi da. Patxi Uranga Salbide. Aitatxo.
X Mari Karmen da. Mari Karmen Anza Suberbiola. Amona Mari Karmen.
X Usurbil da. Orio da. Zarautz da. Euskal Herria.
X Picassenteko espetxea da... [+]