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Irantzu Idoate Funosas wins the txapela Intercolar de Euskal Herria

  • This year’s School Championship was held in Iurreta on 18 June. About 180 listeners met to hear twelve young Bertsolaris from 14 to 18 years of age from all over Euskal Herria. Irantzu Idoate Funosas, from Hazparn, has been the champion and Gasteiztarra Maddi Agirre the runner-up.

21 June 2022 - 07:40
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The twelve bertsolaris who played in the song, having already featured in the championships of their respective territories: From Álava, Maddi Agirre (champion) and Danel Herrarte (runner-up); from Gipuzkoa, June Aiestaran (champion) and Jon Mendiluze (runner-up); from Bizkaia, Izaro Bilbao (champion) and June Diaz (runner-up); from Navarra, Beñat Astiz (champion) and Matariete.

The six bertsolaris who performed the full program

After the opening of the session, the twelve young people were classified in the second part: Haira Aizpurua, Irantzu Idoate, Jon Mendiluze, June Aiestaran, June Diaz and Maddi Agirre. Finally, Irantzu Idoate has won the 2022 Basque Country Interest txapela and Maddi Agirre has been a runner-up. Bertsolari Unai Iturriaga has put the trophy on the champion.

Here you can see the greeting of champion Irantzu Idoate:

Today it has been shown that the seven fillets

are one and the same

today does Euskal Herria

put the pin on top

the painful heart has been heard with singing,

cold, moist eye

we'll have to go on

as of today

our oihus chant bertling

They're occupying a place.

The Intercolar had Phase 34

The Ikastolas Federation and Bertsozale Elkartea jointly organise the School Tournament. According to the organizers, this year they have also had the collaboration of the City of Iurreta.

"The School's goal is to offer young people between 14 and 18 years of age a plaza of bertsos in public and to promote their fondness. In addition, taking into account the local characteristics, in addition to the spontaneous championship, other activities such as the written championship or the meeting without competition for minors are carried out," said Bertsozale Elkartea.


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