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Over 80 writers sign a manifesto to promote reading

  • The Meetto Foundation has presented a manifesto entitled 'What you learn only with literature', sponsored by over eighty writers.

Ramon Etxebeste, a member of Meettoke, has disseminated the manifesto signed by over eighty writers. It exposes its intention to precipitate and prestigious literature and reading.

The manifesto begins: "In confusing times, even when we feel lost, literature always gives us some coordinates." And follow Anna Frank's words: "Free people will hardly be aware of the meaning of books for those of us who live on lockdown." They emphasize that every reading leaves a mark, even if it does not sit at the moment.

They say literature is "fuel and fire," and even though reading is an individual exercise, they say, "We're not alone." "Literature is the contradiction and nuance we owe as individuals and as a society." They also say that talking about books is a way to "rewrite" books.

The signatories to the manifesto What is only learned in the literature are:

Juan de Garay, Juan de Garay, Juan de Garay, Garazi Arruabarrena

You are interested in the channel: Literatura
What Palestine brings to the world

It is well known that some French companies (Thales, Airbus, Dassault) have long been helping Israel complete its military equipment. According to a survey by the Disclose Association, the French Government has supplied electronic components to Israel, in order to use drones to... [+]

2024-09-16 | Behe Banda
They sacrifice the will

When we were children, we cried because of the death of the sun, because we understood that the earth would ever die. So, injustice was the only anomaly in this world and was inexplicable in the lives of these adults. All the cartoons said, "Everything is going to be OK," and I... [+]

2024-09-16 | Estitxu Eizagirre
The book "Haziak" will be presented on 20 September at the Azpeitia Food Center
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All that and much more

Sorry as if there were no
Mariana Travacio
Erein, 2024


Although the title may seem like a self-help book, this is a Western text that Erein has published in the narrative section. In the excellent translation of... [+]

The Association of Basque Writers organizes a free writing workshop to promote literary creation in Basque
The meetings will take place on 28 September and 5 and 19 October. The course is aimed at people over the age of 16 and can already be registered at the City Hall of Pamplona/Iruña.

2024-09-09 | Behe Banda
Warros Bars |
Back again

I repeat again this year that it is possible to go against the current, that going back to the starting point is not inevitable. I wanted to convince myself of the false, but against my will, we went back to our starting point: “at the beginning of the course,” again. They've... [+]

There are no names anywhere

Josefa, neskame
Alaitz Melgar Agirre
Elkar, 2022


Josefa Agirre Etxeberria was one of the women who was raised during the Franco regime. After being exiled at the age of fourteen, he was forced to change his residence... [+]

Rakel Pardo Pérez (C.
"The key is in the question, in the pure question."
Rakel Pardo Pérez (Urdazubi, 1995) has turned to the base that we share you, me and all the people around us to focus his first poetry book: humanity. What does it mean to be human? What gives us existence and what can we do with what has been given to us? The interaction... [+]

A lot of shoes!

In the maze of
the theatre I
Lipus EHAZE and Susa


Playwright Ander Lipus has published with EHAZE and Susa his publications on theatrical autobiography and theatre. In the maze of theatre I. Notebook of Bitácora and... [+]

2024-08-26 | Behe Banda
Barra Warros |
Back are the informative

When I was a kid, it was customary at home to park what we were doing at eight o'clock in the afternoon, assemble the TV and watch the ETB1 news. At first, I was very irritated by those unjust changes in the night chain, and I was asking my parents how it was possible that, being... [+]

2024-08-19 | Behe Banda
Barra Warros |
A field, a crazy

This text begins with a reflection that takes place in the first hour of the morning, on the clear sky, in a lost town of Álava. Looking at the birds flying between this meadow and the mottled, lost thoughts in the forests that populate the mountains. But let's be honest, this... [+]

2024-08-09 | ARGIA
Six books that deserve to be read this summer
With the help of ARGIA’s wording, six reading proposals.

When the sound of the hole spoke

Please note: The story that is being told here is a story based on reality. Some fragments are fictitious by a creative process. However, in defense of the historical memory, the names and surnames and other data that appear are true.

The skin is bathed in sweat by the woman... [+]

“Euskararen patua independentziarekin lotzen badugu, euskarak jai egin du”

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2024-08-05 | Behe Banda
Warros Bars |
No photos, please

I always wear a camera on top, without a case in the bag to pull it out under any pretext. I have spent the last year photographing everything, to the extent that my academic and political leitmotiv has no free time, as if in the wild frenzy something had been immortalized. It... [+]

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