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The test for the Berritzegune post can be carried out in Spanish, as the Government has modified the call

  • Professors who attend the call to work in the Berritzegunes of the CAV for the next school year will see a change in the oral defense patterns of their work: in the previous call, where he said “defense will be in Basque”, now says that “defense will be preferably in Basque”. In other words, they will be able to present in Spanish to obtain a job at the Berritzegunes responsible for the advice, training and innovation of teachers and centres.

24 May 2023 - 02:00
Last updated: 14:57
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It is very significant that last year the candidates were asked for the oral exhibition in Basque and that this year “if possible” be done in Basque: together with the candidates who speak correctly in Basque, those who opt for the presentation in Spanish compete, because they do not perform well in Basque, as is logical, for positions in the service of education, teaching staff and centers. In other words, the call will not guarantee that the candidate is able to express himself correctly in Basque. What is this setback? What role does the Basque Country play? Why has the government decided, since the previous call, that there is no reason to keep the test only in Basque? What profile of teachers/candidate does the Government think?

Professors submitting to the call shall specify the merits in the request and submit a proposal. The oral defence of this proposal is what has changed.

"To measure the appropriate linguistic competence in Basque for people working in the Berritzegunes, what better than to expose their work skills in Basque"

“We see a setback in this nuance”

Asked by Idurre Eskisabel, Secretary General of the Council of Euskalgintza, replied to ARGIA that linguistic competence in Basque in these jobs is "indispensable": "The Berritzegunes are the main advisory points of the centres and teachers in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. If we focus on the functions of the Berritzegunes, among others, there is advice in the field of teaching or linguistic standardization, advice on the priority lines of the educational innovations promoted by the Department of Education, Linguistic Policies and Culture, and the area of training is closely related to the Berritzegunes (to detect needs, to offer the same training), and we believe that the people working in these linguistic skills are adequately able. To measure it, what better than explaining the labor competencies themselves in Basque".

In Eskisabel's words, "in the Euskaldunization proposal of the administration, the Council contemplates carrying out several evaluation tests in Euskera, because it is a great guarantee, so we see a setback in this nuance so that we can actually do it in that small leap down".

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