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Starting on the beach of Biarritz, Ste Eugénie Square hosted the Second Tamborrada of the Ikastolas, composed of 5,000 children, parents and teachers. They protested against the main problem they have had in recent years, since, contrary to the agreement maintained by the French Government with SEASKA, it employs fewer teachers than it needs for the 36 centres of the Ikastolas Network of Iparralde, SEASKA.
The newly completed course, for example, had to significantly increase the number of students per classroom, mostly from 30 and 40 students. SEASKA stated that this "hampers" the work of teachers and stressed that the situation "is extreme". The French Ministry of Education wants to recruit five workers for next year. SEASKA, for its part, has ensured that it is prepared to hire up to 13 teachers, but has demanded that the rest be hired by the Ministry of Education. SEASKA President Paxkal Indo said in Biarritz that they are not afraid and that they are prepared to respond to any attack.
Bitter farewell
In an interview with Ekhi Erremunerdegi, journalist from Berria, Paxkal Indo has told the president of SEASKA that he leaves office. He has stated that his 11-year career is defined "in the midst of a conflict" and is not afraid, as he is convinced that Seaska will emerge victorious. Indo says that optimism is necessary to be perpetuated, arguing that the optimism of all has served to increase SEASKA: “Seaska has doubled. When I entered, it was 2,100 students; it will be 4,100 in the next course.”
The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]
Haserre mintzatu da Peio Jorajuria Seaskako lehendakaria, Beskoitzeko Herriko Etxeak astelehenean hartutako erabakiarekin. 51 haur dituen ikastolarekin hitzarmena eten du auzapezak, eta sei hilabeteren buruan debekatuta izango dute bertan eskolak ematea. Gurasoek harridura... [+]