From September onwards, the products of seven Errigorri producers will be in the dishes of 20 ikastolas, schools and dining rooms of Euskal Herria. Errigora is a citizen initiative based in the Basque Country and with community work tools. Its objective is to promote food sovereignty, Euskera and neighborhood work.
Seven of the producers that are part of the Heading participate with adaptations in the format and supply of dining rooms. In the Basque Country, they produce exclusive products from vegetable gardens in the Ager area and products made in quantities appropriate to the needs of the canteens in bags, cans and cans.
Canteens will be supplied with oil, tomato, bell pepper, rice, chickpeas, lentils and products such as asparagus.
In the framework of the new project, the organization states that the incorporation of products from the Ager area into the permanent dynamics of dining rooms is generating "permanent and structured relations" between the Basque territories. Also the promotion of local products and neighborhood work. They have also added that Basque is being promoted among producers and consumption habits.
Where will the products be distributed?
The dining rooms in Bizkaia include the Ikastola Azkue de Lekeitio, the Ikastola Bekobenta de Markina, the Allende de Gernika school, the Larrabetzu school, the Ikastola Betiko de Leioa, the Ikastola Ander Deuna de Sopelana, the Ikastola Bilbao Abusu
Among the dining rooms of Gipuzkoa are: the ikastola Laskorain de Tolosa, the workshop Fagor Ederlan de Arrasate, the children's school of Hernani, the ikastola Andramendi de Beasain, the ikastola Uzturpe de Ibarra, the ikastola Zubimusu de Villabona and the ikastola de Orereta.
In Navarra will participate the school dining room of Amaiur. Senpere and Maulen will bring their products to the dining room of the catering company Suhari.
Martxoaren 10etik 26ra izango da udaberriko kanpaina. 'Beste modura, denona de onura' lelopean arituko dira gertuko ekoizpena, banaketa eta kontsumoa babestu eta sustatzeko, ager zonaldean euskara hauspotzen duten bitartean. Apirila amaieratik aurrera jasoko dira... [+]