The presentation will be carried out in cooperation with the Azpeitia Food Centre to promote food sovereignty. Elikunea is a cooperative project that seeks to strengthen the primary sector through the promotion of food in the Basque Country and the transformation of the consumption model.
The book of the 2019 Landare Lantzen agenda, which brings together the knowledge of Jakoba Errekondo and the illustrations of Antton Olariaga, is now on sale at the ARGIA Fair. The tools of work, the utensils for the garden are the central theme of this 2019 agenda, and in the presentation will be reflected. Anyone who wants to listen to these two authors in person and get the signed book has a unique opportunity in the presentation: At 11:00 hours the appointment will be in the Market Square, and there will be no lack of a festive atmosphere in the enclosure.
More details on the Agenda 2019 book in the following article: Pentagram for plant notes.
Other publications of the Bizi Baratzea project
- Bizi Baratzea. This beautiful book that collects a general and complete knowledge of the garden was the one that started the project.
- Altza Porru These eight Euskal Herria cartoonists were the yarns of Jakoba Errekondo's explanations: Antton Olariaga, Asisko, "mattin" Martiarena, Ainara Azpiazu "Axpi", Joseba Larratxe, Unai Iturriaga, Unai Gaztelumendi and Zaldieroa.
- Working the plants 2018. This year is available the first book of agendas, as well as the newly presented 2019 agendas, with authors such as Jakoba Errekondo and Antton Olariaga.
Besides the books, on the web Bizi Baratzea you can find information about plants that are constantly being renewed. If you sign up for the newsletter, you will receive this week’s content collection by email on Monday morning for free.
One more year with your drawings you have completed the book of the LandarLantzen agenda. Have you taken the taste of drawing plants, no?
Yes. Until now I saw the plants from afar, I appreciated them, I even ate some, more and more with them in the kitchen… I am not... [+]
The weekly market of Azpeitia has welcomed the first presentation of LandarLantzen 2019. Onintza Irureta, member of ARGIA, explained that it is the second year that ARGIA publishes the book of agendas for the orchard, and that the intention is to keep this publication every... [+]
ARGIA has just published LandarLantzen 2019, an agenda book that explains the work to be done in the garden taking into account the moon. His illustrations are once again made by Antton Olariaga. In addition, Usurbil’s cartoonist also participated in the Altza Porru comic ... [+]
Extra, extra! The second issue of LandarLantzen, the book of agendas for the year 2019, is already on the street. In summer there has been no holiday for Jakoba Errekondo and Antton Olariaga, and with the beginning of the new course the harvest made in collaboration with ARGIA... [+]
I intended to come back on a moon, but seven days late, and my grandmother has already started the next round. They say that the return of the holiday is usually hard, at least for those who have had holidays, but just as I like to enjoy the holidays, I adapt to the routine at... [+]
Landareak zaintzeko garai bakoitzean zer lan egin behar den eta nola, xehe azaltzen du gida-liburu honetan Errekondok. Antton Olariagaren iruditegiak jantzia dago. 2018an gure denbora plazerez eta ganoraz antolatzeko tresna da aldi berean liburu eta aldi berean agenda den hau.