President Bertsularien Lagunak, Xumai Murua, and head of Development of the same association, Ortzi Idoate, have presented Xilaba 2020. According to the chronicle of Bertsozale Elkartea, the presentation highlighted that this year more participants, younger and more girls will be represented, and that several bertsolaris will again participate in the Xilaba.
Here you can see all the bertsolaris that will act. Youth is obvious, as the elderly are 38 years old. This year the female representation is the fourth part (seven out of 28), and they are back among the bertsolaris who will be on stage, for example, AMETS Arzallus and Maddi Ane Txoperena, who last sang in Xilaba in 2012. The most experienced in this championship are Maddalen Arzallus and Hodei Barroso, who for the sixth time will participate in the championship.
This link shows the exact locations and times of each session, as well as the names of the bertsolaris that will sing in each session. This is the schedule for this championship:
The first session of the French Euro Cup will be held in the capital on 19 September.
26 September in Urdiñarbe
3 October in Ainhoa
October 10 in Larzabal
The first third of the final will be held at Bokale on 17 October, and the other two thirds of the final will be as follows:
24 October in Sohüta
31 October in Izturitz
7 November in Izpura
The semifinal will be played on 11 November in Bardoze
The final will be played on November 17 in San Juan de Luz
The members of Bertsularien Lagunak Elkartea, an association organized by Xilaba, have pointed out that on the occasion of COVID-19, "the measures will be taken and the current rules will be complied with". They've asked people to come to the programs with face masks and come in earlier.