To listen to the news, to the stubborn apathy and despair that the situation of the world has brought to me in recent years, I must add the indignation that the announcements arouse. Especially those I hear on public radios. Even ads on public radios. It's been a long time since I started turning off radio in the early stages of advertising spaces, as well as sports spaces.
It's very early in the morning when I'm most upset. The moment will have its weight, but the sources and contents of the advertising get me out of business. I started on 11 November at 7:00 a.m. and ended at 10:00 a.m. Thirty-eight ads. 38. A public radio. I was stunned. My instinct whispered something to me ...
Advertisers. Of the thirty-eight classified ads, only twelve were public bodies, nine were public bodies. The private companies were therefore behind the twenty-six ads. A public radio.
Content of the ads. In the announcements of public bodies there was only practical information in one; and the issuance of practical information was “protected” by private companies, except in one case. In all other cases, this was an alleged awareness-raising or publicity campaign by the entity itself. As regards the advertising and practices of private companies, there is much to say, but today I want to emphasise the naturalisation of the commodification of fundamental rights.
Little by little, every day, through a public radio, we are engulfing the message of capital, giving away rights – perhaps not yet for action – and assuming naturally that we have to pay EUR 3,000 to remove the painful varicose veins from a leg, that is a hose worth forgetting and stretching the legs! Or that before someone from outside calls you to alert, you have to call the company that will take care of parental custody. The potential of private universities also reaches the radio; by course, it begins to prepare a budget of 10,000 euros, as it is the only option for a glorious future, as the people are lacking engineers. Don't worry, there are also banks in the ad sequence and they're willing to help. The food, of course, is natural, local, cultural, fresh and ours, the one that usually accompanies you; look, now, for example, the Oreos, and the Christmas sweets and chocolates, with a 30% discount, to fill the belly well. Always at a convenient price.
You have to listen to them every day, through a public radio. Anyone, however malicious, may think that the board of directors of Euskal Irrati and Telebista wants to help us assume, without going through the duel, the loss of publicity of rights fundamentales.Para this, sweetly, splashes all messages with the brushes of their “sustainability”, perhaps with the hope of covering the stench of emanations, as if the coherence is
Dream of the bitterness of the “sustainability” of the aluminum coffee capsules, please, small coffees made in the Italian coffee machine of the mother.
I would ask you to bring me back to the world that has not lost its common sense.
I'm going to take root in the spears.
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