The coalition formed by Ezker Anitza-IU, EQUO-Berdeak and Independents, Ezker Anitza-IU, has asked the City Hall of Barakaldo "real and timely information" of the activities organized in Barakaldo. Irabazi's spokesman has denounced opposition groups and neighborhood associations and merchants having received information "through the press and the drops". "The government team has made the press aware of security measures before moving them to associations and opposition," Álvarez said. For the same reason and in the face of the inaction of the PNV, the opposition parties, by common agreement, have forced the government team to make an information commission for explanations.
"The PNV has become a mere abuse and waste of all the actions that have to do with MTV-EMA," said Álvarez. He pointed out that Irabazi already denounced last Sunday that the City Hall will spend 220,000€ on MTV activities, "twice what the neighborhoods receive in the year of celebration of the festivities".
Irabazi's spokesman said that the PNV of Barakaldo "made our municipality a comparable municipality in the Herriko Plaza in exchange for an expensive concert". "Barakaldo will pay more than €220,000 in cleaning, operational police and all kinds of discomfort," added Álvarez.
This news has been posted by Herrikolore on its website and we have brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-BY-SA license.
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