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The future is the neighbor

  • Interesting research is being carried out in the area of Spain. Seeds of certain plants have been sown in the surroundings of fields or elgees. The plants are not intended to harvest. The goal is to create sidewall or bottom favors. It is above all about attracting insects, including pollinators, followed by birds.

27 May 2021 - 05:27
Mitxoletak galsoro baten ipularrean.

The smaller and better the fields get: the more pollinating insects and the more birds. Biodiversity is increasing considerably.

The new Common European Agricultural Policy (CAP) clearly expresses the link between agriculture and biodiversity, and provides greater economic support in the event that agricultural activity takes on jobs such as the one mentioned above.

This research in Spain, promoted by an agricultural union, has the distinction of the technical manager of the project: “In order to be naturally sustainable, we have to move forward, not close the doors and study the good practices that farmers can do.”

Such initiatives represent progress in the promotion and conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity, as well as in the fight against climate change and in the reactivation of the green economy.

What do farmers' associations in our environment say about these kinds of initiatives? Insects, pollinators, birds, natural heritage, biodiversity, climate change, green economy, etc., more than one is going to put the black hair, and whoever doesn't have it, the fire of anger is going to ignite and you're going to notice the smoke from afar.

It is nothing more than extending the seeds of some plants on the edge of the field and allowing their flowers to spread. But the flowers and their pollinators, and the birds that attract, have to fit in the head as well...

It's a place of country or country that used to be a neighbor for people. That is the vest, the inculcate emotion it takes to work in the field (cars, pair of oxen with plough...). There were growing plants that enriched biodiversity, and many times there were also shrubs, fruit trees and trees. Barriers or plantations were also put in place to strengthen borders to attract other auxiliary animals: domes, predators, etc.

It is really a cook who has to make sustainable agriculture and who wants to guarantee the quality of life of us and descendants. A legard that will bring other flows as important as the harvest. It is also known as the Itelur and the Italian.

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