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North Korea will not participate in the Olympic Games due to the pandemic

  • North Korea will not participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games to protect athletes from the risks of coronavirus.
Argazkia: Cesar I. Martins

The North Korean Sports Minister has announced that his country will not participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games "to protect athletes from the global coronavirus crisis." The decision was taken following the meeting of the Olympic Committee on 25 March and has been published this Monday on the website of the Sports Department.

It was feared that the Minister of Sports, Pionyang, would cancel his participation in the Olympic Games, as the country has had some severe quarantine systems and aislamiento.Sin embargo, the South Korean Government hoped that the Tokyo Olympic Games would be a scenario to revive the dialogue between the two countries and expressed its hope that progress would be made in reconciliation and cooperation between the two countries. The North Korean Government ' s decision, on the contrary, has annulled the rapprochement of prisoners.

32. The Olympic Games were decided in March 2020, precisely because of the health crisis. This year, however, it has been decided that they will be held between 23 July and 8 August, but last month the Tokyo Organizing Committee said that international viewers will be refused entry to Japan.



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