On June 16, the members of the collective Azterlan Euskaraz, formed by parents, teachers and students of Seaska, spent their first night at the headquarters of the Academic Inspection in Baiona, where they had to endure the violence of the French Police hours before. On the same day, Senator Frederique Espagnac sent a letter to the French Minister of Education, Pap Ndiaye, requesting an appointment. He has written the letter on behalf of all the parliamentarians of the Northern Basque Country.
The struggle for the right to the exams of Brebeta and Bajo in Euskera is an ancestral struggle within Seaska. With the time of the tests, the Azterketa Euskaraz collective has increased the pressure in recent weeks. Neither from Paris nor from the rectorate of Bordeaux nor from the Academy of the Atlantic Pyrenees have received a reply.
The Basque Center Euskal Hiria Elkargoa will make available to Seaska a public seat for the correction of the examinations of students performing Brebeta in Euskera, for the teachers of the ikastolas to correct them from there. The tests performed in Euskera will not have academic, but symbolic validity. From the support of the local institution, four days after the occupation started on 15 June.
The breb will be held by the students on 30 June and 1 July and its headquarters of correction will be on 5 July.
Eric Etxartek Seaskako lehendakarikide ardura hartu berri du urte hatsarrean, Antton Etxeberri eta Sophie Layusekin batera. Peio Jorajuriaren lekukoa hartu dute hirurek, eta Lehendakarikidetza taldea osatu dute.
The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]