The National Radio of Ipar Euskal Herria has made an appearance against the cuts on 25 October. The associations gathered at Uztaritze have stated that they are “very concerned” about the current situation of violence. Representatives of radio associations have argued that the decision "puts workers at risk and their dissemination". Euskal Irratiak, Irulegian Irratia, Xiberoko Botza and many other radios have warned that “the situation is worrying”. They have warned that the cuts in the Radio Declaration Support Fund (ESF) would result in the disappearance of several radios and, furthermore, "a reduction in territorial diversity and cultural supply".
Jojo Bidart, president of Irulegian Irratia, recalled that the situation of the Basque Country is "precarious" and that the radios in Euskera act "as essential actors of transmission and vitality".
The highest representative of the National Free Radio Union (SNRL) has stressed that the mobilisations are bearing fruit and that the amendment proposed by several French parliamentarians has been adopted in a committee. This amendment, adopted unanimously by Members, would annul the budgetary reduction proposed by the French Government, thus extending the support fund for radio associations. The next step will be to vote in the Chamber for final approval. However, they have announced that they will continue the mobilisations.
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