The Drought Plan proposed by the Colegio Urbano Vasco focuses on the optimization of the availability of water resources, the improvement of drinking water uptake, the reduction of leaks in the networks and the interconnection of the water production areas, in short, a 10% reduction in water consumption in the territory. This year the beach showers will be closed.
The Biarritz electorate, Guillaume Barucq, has stated that the measure has been taken at an inadequate time, not least because the toxic microalgae Ostreopsis has returned. “In general, people who shower at the beach shower at home when they enter,” he said. In addition, Alzuri says it is closing with user reviews.
The College carried out a review of water prices and their cleaning. Its aim is to extend a social fee for the whole territory, as Kazeta has collected. Subscribers who when setting the new fee have an increase are limited to 50 euros within 12 months, with an increase of 4.20 euros per month. It also proposes special prices for non-domestic use, such as crops, horticulture or livestock.
Andeetako Altiplanoan, qocha deituriko aintzirak sortzen hasi dira inken antzinako teknikak erabilita, aldaketa klimatikoari eta sikateei aurre egiteko. Ura “erein eta uztatzea” esaten diote: ura lurrean infiltratzen da eta horrek bizia ekartzen dio inguruari. Peruko... [+]