The association that groups the Basque media in the continental Basque Country states that the "insufficient ambition" of the language policy drawn by the Basque Public Institution and the Basque Urban College "is an obstacle" in daily life. Local institutions are calling for "sustainable funding" because of the range of current aid that prevents needs from being met. Instead of exceptional aid, they call for "direct aid" and/or institutional advertising to also target the media in Basque, Euskal Irratia, Ipar Euskal Herriko Hitza, Herria and Kanaldude, who also have to compete with the French media and are more necessary.
They have documented their joint reading at the 22 April demonstration in Baiona. This Saturday they will have an important quote to claim the right to pass the exams in Basque and have summoned all readers, viewers and followers.
The Basque Confederation of Basque Municipalities, which brings together the agents of the Basque industry, has also been critical of the linguistic policy of both EEP and the Association of Basque Urban Centres. In this sense, on April 22, this important agent of the Basque culture has also appealed to the streets: "In addition to claiming the right to pass under in Euskera and the adequate resources for the Basque associations, we will remind the elected officials who have responsibilities, we will denounce their current passivity and cry out that we do not let the Basque disappear". The result of the last socio-linguistic survey published on 31
March has broadened this reading. "Troubling data", due to the proportional tapping of the range of vasco-speakers and to the fact that the use of the Basque Country has also decreased compared to data from five years ago.
VII. According to the Sociolinguistic Survey, 20.1% of the population aged 16 and over living in Iparralde in 2021 is Euskaldun, 9.4% is a receiving vasco-speaking and 70.5% is erdaldun monolingual. In absolute terms, therefore, 51,500 are Basque, 24,000 are Basque receivers and 180,500 are Castilian speakers.
Plazara, AEK, Uda Leku, Dindaia eta Ebete antolakundeak Baionan elkartu dira Famili'on egonaldi ibiltariaren lehen edizioa aurkezteko. Hizkuntza mailaren arabera eskaintza bat edo beste egongo da eta haur zein gurasoentzat izango da udaberrian.
Hizkuntzarako ere gurasoak haurrentzako eredu direla kontuan hartuta, euskararen erabilera eta irakaskuntzari buruz sentsibilizatzeko helburua duen hamabostaldia antolatu dute Hendaia, Urruña, Donibane Lohizune eta Ziburuko herriek. Martxoaren 15etik 30era guraso... [+]
Nafarroa Beherean, Aiherrako 'Beltzegitea' etxean kokatuko da Eguzkilore haurtzain-etxe berria. Euskara, natura eta motrizitate librea oinarri harturik, heldu den apirilean hasiko dira zerbitzua eskaintzen.
The problem of the afrancession of the names of the places of Euskal Herria is not only due to the lack of consideration of the language in the signaling panels, but also to the execution of a decision on the domiciliation that was taken a few years ago.
Ultimately, the... [+]
Larunbatean ospatu dituzte Ttinka mikro haurtzaindegiaren bost urteak Lakarran. Baxe Nafarroko euskara hutsezko egitura bakarra da, Euskararen Erakunde Publikoaren B ziurtagiriduna.
On May 17, five Euskaltzales of Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria performed an action coinciding with the call made by the students of the Bernat Etxepare lyceum to mobilize in favor of the Basque. On the wall of the Baiona Subprefecture, a message was sent to the authorities of the... [+]
“Geldi euskara zapaltzea” lema berriz hartu du Euskal Herrian Euskaraz taldeak larunbatean egin duen prentsaurrekoan. Maiatzaren 17an, esaldi hori Baionako suprefeturan tindatzeaz akusaturik, irailaren 10ean epaituko dute Gorka Roca Torre.
Ikasturte honetan, lehen mailako ehun eskola elebidunetan 5.700 ikaslek ikasiko dute. Bigarren mailan hamasei kolegio eta lau lizeotan 1.600 dira. Zailtasun nagusia aurten ere kolegioan euskararen eta frantsesaren arteko oren parekotasuna erdiestea da.
Start of the summer. EHZ festival hangover (atx, headache). You want to breathe after a charged course. Flush the head. Reconnect key elements. Take some time with family, see old friends again and rest (a little) in the daily struggle. Really? !...
As a family, walk to the... [+]