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The CADE calls for the mobilization to restart the APR that will pass through Ipar Euskal Herria

  • On 20 October, the president of the Pyrenees Atlantiques department, Jean-Jacques Lasserre, announced that the TAV project is still alive. A concentration will be held on the occasion of the presentation of the project to the mayors of the Commonwealth of Iparralde on 6 November.

28 October 2021 - 07:27
Last updated: 10:13

It was believed that the TAV project was buried, it was believed that thanks to the popular movement the defenders had abandoned the macro-project. However, in silence, he has made a discreet advance and the macro-project of the TAV that would pass through Ipar Euskal Herria returns to the present day.

On 20 October, Jean-Jacques Lasserre, president of the Pyrenees Atlantiques department, offered a press conference to publicize the macro-project. By no means, it was in favour of the project, despite the discrepancy in funding (40% would be paid by the French State, 20% by the EU and the remaining 40% would be provided by local organisations, i.e. the New Aquitaine region, departments and local authorities). For its part, the CADE environmental protection group has immediately reactivated the mobilisation.

A few weeks ago, the department received the request for funding from the TAV that would reach Baiona and Pau, EUR 305 million – about EUR 130 million to be paid for by the Commonwealth of Iparralde. Continuing with the forecasts, the Dax and Baiona and Pau vials are planned for 2037, starting next year with the preparation of the project and works in 2024. However, in 2018, French Secretary of State Emmanuelle Wargon announced that the Government had decided to "improve the existing channels and move away from the intention to launch the APR".

CADE call

In this regard, the CADE resumes mobilizations against the TAV: public meetings, discussions and concentrations of the electorate. The first of these will be held on 6 November in the Baiona Art Space, with a concentration to challenge the electorate. On that day, Bildu’s neighbors will meet to learn about the project. Since today CADE has asked them to stand against: "The biggest obstacle to Rousset is for elected Basque officials to stand against funding and the project."

Alain Rousset, President of the New Aquitaine region, is a passionate advocate of the TAV and will attend on 6 November next with the delegation of the prefecture of the department.

"Manipulation" of the usual numbers

After studying the official reports, the CADE denies some arguments from the defenders. According to data from the SNCF rail network, in 2018 99 trains were running every day when 264 trains could be flown. In this regard, they are clear that: "We are far from having the full roads, the figures are being manipulated," he added.

The group also questions the argument that with the APR travelers would earn time. Only between the improvement of the current railway line and the new TAV route would five minutes be gained from Bordeaux to Baiona: -What they say about earning time is lie.

Of course, the CADE also regrets the environmental disaster that the TAV would entail: the disappearance of land, pollution...

The group organized a public meeting in Mugerre on 12 November, from which informative meetings will also be held in other locations.


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