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Seven rugby teams from Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria will play the league for the first time this summer

  • The parties have begun to compete on 17 August and will continue until 7 September. They organise the Aquitaine–Euskadi-Navarra Euroregion and the Basque Government.
Hernanik parte hartuko du ligaxkan. Argazkia:

19 August 2019 - 12:05

The following seven teams will participate in the Euro Basque Rugby Challenge: Angelu, Aviron and Biarritz in Lapurdi; Ordizia, Hernani and Bera Bera in Gipuzkoa; and Getxo in Bizkaia. Aviron and Biarritz will play with the second teams, as the difference in level between the first and the other two is very large.

Groups A and B shall be classified in the male category. In group A, Aviron, Hernani and Getxo will face the four best in the world. In Group B, Biarritz, Anglet, Ordizia and Bera Bera have been classified for the next phase. The matches will be played on 24 and 31 August and the final groups will be played on 7 September. Women will play their league.

The media has taken up the words of Bingen Zupiria, Councillor for Culture of the Basque Government, and reads as follows: “Rugby can be very important to foster cooperation and knowledge between different territories.” It is the first time that rugby teams from Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria have come together to play the semi-finals.

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