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The Spanish state will open thirteen new tobacco shops at the borders of Iparralde and Hegoalde

  • It will open eight in Navarra and five in Gipuzkoa, all in Irún. The Spanish State has created its own regulations for border areas: although a distance of 150 metres between shops is generally required, a distance measure of 25 metres is set at the border between the two administrations.

17 March 2023 - 11:49
Last updated: 12:58

The Spanish State will open thirteen new tobacco shops in the border towns of Iparralde and Hegoalde. To this end, it has drawn up its own rules on the distance between ponds in these areas. In the rest of the areas, the distance between shops will be 150 metres, while in the neighbouring towns only 25 metres.

Five shops will open in Gipuzkoa, all in Irun. The remaining eight in Navarra: five in Dantxarinea, two in Bera and one in Luzaide. In this area of Navarra the number of shops will double from eight to sixteen.

People living on the northern border tend to buy tobacco to go south. A package costs around EUR 10 in the North, twice as much as in the South.

Madrid will offer 200 new licences in Spain. He sold the auction licenses and gave the most money to bid for 25 years. In Navarre alone, the Spanish State has raised more than EUR 8 million.

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