On Mars, events will be launched to evoke the resistance of Intxorta in relation to the historical memory of the Elgetan. At 7:00 p.m., an audiovisual entitled Lesa Humanidad will be broadcast at the City Hall and from there there are several proposals included in the program.
At noon this week, the Bay of Pasaia will be the venue where the director, Yuri Agirre, will be present. In Barikua, members of the Mairu Theatre Workshop in Lesaka will offer a play entitled Birds and Wounds at the Espaloia Café.
Volunteers are needed
This year, the Elgeta will play Elgeta’s Decadence in place of the recreation of the fighting in the trenches of Intxorta. It will be Sunday, April 22nd. The volunteers have already started the rehearsals. Rafa Herce, from the Elorrio Banarte theatre group, works as director. However, volunteers are still needed to do the figurative work. Those interested will receive more information at the City Hall.
This news has been published by Goiena and we have brought it to LUZ thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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