The conferences will take place on 6, 7 and 8 July, from 16:00 to 18:00 hours. The following rapporteurs have come from Euskal Herria: Jon Sarasua (doctor by the MU and founder of Garabide), Josune Zabala (Vice-Ministry of Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government), German Sagrario (Euskaltzaindia) and Iñaki Martínez de Luna (professor of the UPV/EHU for 25 years and president of Garabide). In addition to the members of Euskal Herria, the program will have the presence of nine Bolivians and one Colombian who will dialogue. The Bolivian representatives included two ministers, the Minister of Culture, Sabina Orellana Crus, and the Minister of Education, Adrián Rubén Quelca Tarqui.
The meetings can be seen and listened to in the following two videos. In one of them the rapporteurs are in the original language and in the other they can be followed in Spanish.
The direct will be delivered via the Peertube instance. Peertube is a free, decentralized and federated software for hosting videos.
8 July 16:00 - Third session. Original audio
8 July 16:00 - Third session. Translation into Spanish
6 July - 1st meeting Original audio
7 July 16:00 - Second session. Original audio
7 July 16:00 - Second session. Translation into Spanish
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