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Almost half of young people claim to have insufficient knowledge to use the Internet responsibly

  • More than a quarter of the fathers and mothers of Hego Euskal Herria never talked with their children about criteria for responsible and safe use of the Internet, according to a survey. Some parents have acknowledged that they do not have sufficient information to do so. Likewise, almost half of the young people between 11 and 15 years of age claim to have no knowledge about the safe use of the internet in the Spanish state.
Galdekatutako guraso gutxi batzuek diote ikusi dituztela seme-alabak informazio pribatua interneten partekatzen, edota ezezagunekin on-line hitz egiten. Argazkia: / Freepik

06 December 2023 - 04:28
Last updated: 07:47

The multinational Kaspersky, dedicated to cybersecurity, has published the survey of parents in October. The data come from the Spanish state, but the data analyzed by communities also reflects the reality of Hego Euskal Herria and compares to the conclusions of the survey conducted last summer to young people.

Curious: if we ask parents, they say their children are mainly on Youtube (up to 13 years old) and Whatsapp (14 to 17 years old), but if we ask children and young people, Tik Tok is the most used. One more test, that parents do not always know what they do when their children surf the Internet, according to the survey authors. Only 76% of adolescents are using the Internet, without neighboring adults.

Parents don't always know what they do when their children surf the Internet, according to the survey authors

Chatting with strangers

A few consulted parents claim to have seen their children sharing private information on the internet or talking online with strangers. 75% of parents think that their children are unprepared or have insufficient knowledge to use the Internet safely. In the same vein, almost half of those aged 11 to 15 recognise that they have no knowledge of this subject.

Focusing on Hego Euskal Herria, 75% of fathers and mothers (in the CAV) and 67% (in Navarra) claim to have spoken with their sons and daughters about the criteria of responsible and safe use of the Internet; and in education, 46% (in the CAV) and 38% (in Navarra) have worked safety on the Internet.

According to the survey respondents, cyberbullying, phishing (computer fraud) or grooming (an adult presenting as a young person for sexual abuse) are common risks on which the care, guidance, counselling and support of children in the use of the Internet is essential.

The survey also provides other data. For example, in recent years the time children and young people spend on the Internet has multiplied, and children repeat the time parents spend on the Internet: when adults spend less than two hours on the Internet, 80% of children spend less than two hours on the Internet; and if more than two hours ago the trend of children goes in the same direction.

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