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Corsica calls for legislative autonomy from Paris, with the broadest support in history

  • They have achieved common deliberation between autonomists and independentists after long debates, conflicts and negotiations. 46 of the 63 voters voted in favour, One Soffiu Novu of the opposition voted against and Corsica Liberté abstained from an independent group, Josepha Giacometti -Piredda.
Korsikako Asanblea bozketaren emaitzei begira, gehiegoa pozik. Argazkia: Gilles Simeoni

06 July 2023 - 16:02

With regard to the Government of France, the nationalists in Corsica have agreed to a joint petition, which asked Paris for legislative autonomy. This same unity is historic, seeing the hard discrepancies and conflicts between nationalists, both between autonomists and independentists, as well as the degree of autonomy between different positions. Aware of the importance of the text, Gilles Simeoni, President Abertzale of the Government, immediately after signing the text, noted the following: "This report is ours, of all of us. But I want to say that it is no longer ours. It is one of those who have fought for decades for this country to be recognized."

Different voices have also been taken into account in the drafting phase of the deliberation, although it is not always easy: Simeoni, from the Femu to Corsica group, has written the PNC together with Jean Christophe Angelini, from the autonomist party, and Paul-Felix Benedetti, from the independence group Core in Fronte, and have made contributions from Josepha Giacom-Piredita, from Corsica Liberta, and A Soffiu Novu. Finally, Giacometti Piredda abstained because the text has too many "ambiguities", while Ghiongare on the right voted in favour, against the other sixteen representatives on the right. The right is the opposition of the Corsica assembly, which are or are Jacobins or regionalists.

Calendar with Paris

The challenge of the nationalist corsican has been to reach a consensus on a higher level of autonomy. Corsika has succeeded in getting the House to demand from the French State a statute that gathers legislative autonomy, making the following demands clear in the text: Recognition of the town of Corsica, cooficiality of the corso and resident status. In the deliberation they propose a constitutional trajectory – a title in the French Constitution, an organic law that includes the statute and the referendum consultation of the corsican. Regarding this political change, the autonomy status would enter into force "progressively" through a timetable established with Paris.

"This text is important because it reminds us of what real autonomy is, autonomy comes from the attribution of legislative competence," says Simeoni in the interview given to the Corso milieu CNI. He says that all they are asking for is absolutely constitutional.

"If the State closes the door to dialogue, to the process and therefore to universal suffrage, we will draw conclusions and we will be at another political stage", president of
the Corsica Assembly

The answer from the French President, Emmanuel Macron, is yet to be seen. As every year, 14 July will talk, among other things, about constitutional reform and the institutions, and it should also talk about the institutional future of Corsica.

Simeoni says that it is now the government that has the political outlet of the conflict: "We're prepared by corsika and corsics. We have come up with our arguments, we have reports and proposals that give us legitimacy. If the Government and the State want to succeed, it is up to them to respond. The deadline is 14 July. If the State closes the door to dialogue, to the process and, therefore, to universal suffrage, we will draw conclusions and be in another political phase".

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