The budget is the highest of all times in the Government of Navarre and, according to Elma Saiz, the spokesman for the government, they seek, above all, to help the plight of the citizens. The budget has already begun and, if everything is normal, it will be adopted in the Parliament of Navarre at the end of December.
They have already achieved the support of Ahal Dugu. Laura Aznal, candidate for the presidency of EH Bildu for the May election, has announced that what has been presented so far has been well looked at and contains a series of proposals made previously by the coalition of the Abertzale left. However, he specified that they will try to reach an agreement to raise more money through tax reform. Navarre Suma announced from the outset, as last year, that if PSN negotiated with EH Bildu, they would not enter the negotiations, so it remains out.
To the State EUR 635 million in the quota
The government has underlined that EUR 2.8 billion will go to what is known as social spending. The payment to the State, which continues to grow year after year, is also noteworthy: this year it amounts to 635 million, almost 1,000 euros per inhabitant, when four years ago it was 400 million. This year the State will invest 104 million in Navarre and three quarters will go to the TAV.
Taxes are important for budgets and, for the time being, the government has announced that citizens with incomes below EUR 32,000 will receive a 3% discount. This will deprive the budgets of significant revenue.
In addition, EH Bildu and Ahal Dugu are calling for increased taxes on wealth, corporate tax and high-income citizens, but so far Maria Chivite’s government has refused to do so.
After health and education, the third largest budget line is EUR 635 million, approximately EUR 1,000 per citizen, which is paid to the Spanish State for the non-transferred areas. For example, Euskarabidea earned EUR 10.2 million last year and EUR 11.2 million this year.
Budgets by area
The list below shows by budget headings, larger than smaller.
Health: EUR 1.332.23 million (5.62% more than in 2022)
Economy and Finance: EUR 1.260.46 million (+5.73%)
Education: EUR 835,62 million (+ 5,09).
Social Rights: EUR 615.06 million (+16.04%)
Territorial cohesion: EUR 569.21 million (+13.16%)
Presidency, Equality, Civil Service and Interior: EUR 397.20 million (+17.66%)
University, Innovation and Digital Transformation: EUR 189.46 million (+9.32%)
Rural development and the environment. EUR 162.89 million (+12.78%)
Economy and business development. EUR 137.20 million (+22.87%)
Culture and Sport: 70.77 million (+10.25%)
Immigration Policies and Justice: EUR 46.10 million (+9.24%)
Citizen Relations: EUR 22.36 million (+31.21%)
Parliament of Navarra. EUR 20,5 million (+7.74%)
This link between the Government of Navarre provides for more detailed consultation of the full draft budget and the presentation of Elma Saiz in this one.
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Abenduaren 23ko bozketan abstenitu egingo da EH Bildu. Akordioa medio, 253 milioi euroko partida eskatuko duten zuzenketak egingo dira aurrekontuetan, eta koalizioak proposatutako sei neurri politikoetatik hiru onartu dira.