Alicia said: “Lots of complexes! With Euskaldunes and Castellanoparlantes. I have often had complexes between the Basques. In quotation marks I am a new Basque (I don’t know what it is to be a new Basque), but it has touched me to talk to the older Euskaldunes or with a lot of people who control in Basque and there has appeared my complex: Because I am from the shores of Euskal Herria and again Basque. I don't have the vocabulary, the level, the melody that others have, but I know I have merit, but sometimes I feel certain complexes or embarrassment. It has been my job to represent in the workplace and to attend meetings with many representatives of the Basque Country, round tables, etc. Then I felt a little embarrassed. I thought: Look at how others talk, how they control! And it was hard for me at first to talk to each other. It's a lot about the Basque level or that's what I believed." It is expensive to receive philosophical comments every time anything is done in Basque publicly. At least exhausting. Because the army is winning the war to clean up the Basque Country by mistake, but we are going to pay it by the neck, because in the Basque country that does not let go it will hardly find mistakes. Furthermore, is it not going to be that we look too much at the correction to hide, with haste, the shortcomings we have elsewhere?
Leire spoke to me in the same way: "I have also had something complex when speaking in the dialects. I've had it and I have it. Because many times they feel more Euskaldunes than I do because they have a "hidden" attitude or because I have internalized it in some way." For vascospeakers without Euskalki it is always the day of the EGA exam: they always wait for a self-appointed examiner, a headphone, a poorly used ergometer and – OUT! as in tennis, which ipso facto extracts the Euskaldunity Certificate of Fitness. Sadly, but inevitably by the Basque people. On the contrary, if you are a vasco-speaker say "other" and, sir, I am no one to enter your Basque status. Defects of origin are forgiveness.
Maitane's answer concludes: "On the one hand, unfortunately many still relate Euskara batua to the Euskaldunberris or to the Basque "orthopedic" (they have literally told me). Our Basque is not proper, it is natural, ours is invented and for many it is not beautiful. On the other hand, the usual thing: to be from here you do it well in Basque, surely you have Gipuzkoan parents. These prejudices create a complex to speak in Basque." Contempt, often masked with humor. To claim for more than two hundred years that we must call not only those who speak in Basque but, more rightly, those who speak in unified Basque assuming all the dialects.
That Euskaldunization has gone from the opposite throat, Ujué: "The Basques are public – viewed, judged, meaningful – and their representation is the result of continuous semiotic negotiation. Despite their diversity, with restraint, style, meaning, the Basques dialogue with the generic Basque (with their history and future) as well as with the real Basques of the environment."
Ilbeltzeko igande goiz batez jo dugu Baztanera. Eguzkiak oraindik ez du Lekarozko plaza argitu; bertan elkartu gara Garbiñe Elizegi Narbarte, Itziar Torres Letona eta Ernesto Prat Urzainkirekin. Itzaletan hotz egiten du eta umorez goxatu dugu lehen agurra, hogei urtean... [+]
Hizkuntzarako ere gurasoak haurrentzako eredu direla kontuan hartuta, euskararen erabilera eta irakaskuntzari buruz sentsibilizatzeko helburua duen hamabostaldia antolatu dute Hendaia, Urruña, Donibane Lohizune eta Ziburuko herriek. Martxoaren 15etik 30era guraso... [+]
Gabonetako argiak pizteko ekitaldia espainolez egin izanak, Irungo euskaldunak haserretzeaz harago, Aski Da! mugimendua abiatu zuen: herriko 40 elkarteren indarrak batuta, Irungo udal gobernuarekin bildu dira orain, alkatea eta Euskara zinegotzia tarteko, herriko eragileak... [+]