In the vote on Thursday afternoon, the Basque Parliament has given Iñigo Urkullu Rentería his third candidacy for lehendakari from the CAV, this time with the possibility of governing by an absolute majority. The PNV candidate for lehendakari has brought together the 30 Jeltzales parliamentarians, as Irune Berasaluze, which is under COVID-19 quarantine, has not been able to vote, and also the 10 PSE-EE parliamentarians who have reintegrated the coalition. -in quarantine, Irune Berasaluze was unable to vote and the tithing of the PSE-EE was unable to give more votes to the Upper House.
The second candidate was Maddalen Iriarte, of EH Bildu, and he received the votes of 21 parliamentarians that his party obtained in the last elections. As previously announced, those of Elkarrekin-Podemos have abstained, as have those of the PP-Citizens coalition and those of Vox.
Following the new investiture, Iñigo Urkullu, who has been in office for 12 years, has had words of thanks to parliamentarians: “My sincere thanks to all the advisors and their work teams. The greatest honor is to be Lehendakari of the Basque Country, a responsibility that I assume with humility and responsibility. Always in favor of the Basque Country’.
The takeover of the lehendakari will take place on Saturday at noon at Gernika's boardhouse.
The policy of the Basque Government to criminalise the poor has become news again in November. Lanbide has created an anonymous whistleblower for honest citizens to denounce “any suspicion of irregular actions” from potentially fraudulent citizens receiving Income Guarantee... [+]