This Thursday’s General Policy Plenary in the Basque Parliament has been launched by the Basque Government’s lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, with his speech. Lehendakari first referred to the tone of self-criticism regarding the various actions and measures taken in the face of the situation generated by Covid-19: “We have to acknowledge that the authorities have no answers for everything, and that in a situation like this we have acted with the method of proof error,” he said. Although he spoke of “errors”, he concluded that the measures were not appropriate, but that they were not well understood: “I don’t know if we’ve been able to explain why we’ve taken the steps.”
Following the TSJPV ruling raising the capacity from 30% to 60% in sports fields, he explained that they will be treated "with respect" and will continue to work to ensure "public health". He then referred to the economic and budgetary recovery of the post-Covid-19 phase.
From Sovereignty to the Powers of 1839
Lehendakari also referred to the right to decide, not in those words, but in a century and a half of withdrawal and in 1839 definitive abolition of the laws that had abolished the strife and in a defense of “returning to sovereignty before 1839”.
From the model of the Economic Concert, Urkullu has made a strong defense in favor of the Basque Political Concert: “We have the opportunity to achieve a new pact, our national reality, the uniqueness of the Basque self-government, which consolidates a bilateral relationship with the state,” he said. In his view, a "firm consensus" should be reached in the Basque Parliament on the Basque self-government.
Managing the “solo” pandemic
EH spokeswoman Bildu, Maddalen Iriarte, has accused the lehendakari of making the decision to “manage only” the pandemic and accused him of “lack of courage” with the words spoken in this cámara.Por his side, Eneko Andueza (PSOE-EE) has argued that the Basque government has