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The Parliament of Navarra discusses the law on the stabilization of teachers of the PAI programme in English

  • This Thursday the proposal prepared by the Department of Education will be voted on and in the government only the PSN has remained with the law. In Parliament, it will need the support of UPN to push through the law, and it has given it the condition that what is today the language programme becomes a model, such as model D.

27 April 2022 - 18:35
Carlos Gimeno Nafarroako Legebiltzarrean. (Arg.: Nafarroako Legebiltzarra)

PSN and UPN have long sought the formula to perpetuate the English program in Navarra and have perhaps now found the key to it: on the one hand, with that special law that will be studied for the consolidation of the position of 350 teachers (70% of the staff) who teach in it; and on the other, turning what is the language program into an educational model, as required by UPN. Jabier Esparza has acknowledged that this request has been made by the Afapna trade union, which has denied any responsibility.

Among the requests of UPN is that once these jobs are stabilized, these professors cannot change to models in Spanish or Basque because the objective of the right is to consolidate that program. It happens, however, that many of the teachers participating in this program may prefer to be in Basque or Spanish models.

There are several reasons for this, but among them, the lack of support they now have in teaching English. In addition, they feel more comfortable teaching in Basque or Spanish.

The importance of English as a problem so far

He rejected the proposal that the PSN will present and said that during the mandate of Uxue Barkos he tried to reach an agreement with the Spanish Government to stabilise these teachers, but it was not possible because Spanish legislation does not allow English to be indispensable for the public service.

The Education Advisor, Carlos Gimeno, has admitted that the PSN has also tried this route and, given the impossibility, have decided to give it stability in the framework of a foral law. In addition to Navarre Suma and PSN, the other parties in the chamber reject the law proposed by the Socialists, both because of the differences that will occur between public employees and because of the legal uncertainty that it can generate. The unions LAB, ELA, Steilas and UGT have also been against the law and have asked Gimeno to negotiate the matter at the Education Bureau.

PAI, a highly debated programme

Several have recognized that the PAI program in English has been the most important Goal that has been introduced in the last decades in the Model D portal, and now this law and its conversion into a model can give a great strength to the English program for many years.

The PAI programme has brought great debates to Navarre, both because it has denounced that one of its objectives is to combat model D, and because it has great pedagogical contradictions. Among other things, the Public College of Castejón has decided to abandon the PAI programme, but the crossing of roads it has to do until the decision materialises is not a joke. In fact, the Government of Navarra, which has promoted this programme – PSN and UPN – has forced them to undertake in some centres, but if they are not then satisfied, it makes it very difficult for them to leave.

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