Santos Indurain, Minister of Health of the Government of Navarra, stated that Osasunbidea had no commitment to buy this material, as it did not sign the agreement between Sodena, the association of entrepreneurs CEN and the intermediary company Albyn. As explained this Wednesday in the Parliament of Navarra, they signed only an annex to the convention, according to which Osasunbidea undertook to acquire some of the remaining material. But the conditions agreed in the annex “were not met”, he explained, so we have not bought anything. He also commented that this operation was initiated on the initiative of Sodena.
Here's another thing: Who was the initiative? On 26 October last, Economic and Business Development Advisor Mikel Irujo stated in the Foral Parliament that CEN asked him to deal with the operation of the mask and to advance the money. However, CEN, in statements made on 28 October through Juan Miguel Sucunza, denies that they invoked the government and that Sodena launched the operation, as clearly explained on its website.
Irujo denounced in his hearing that masks and other medical supplies cannot be used because it is legally on behalf of CEN, which blocks their use until the government undertakes not to demand money. Irujo found this red line unacceptable. Sucunza did not answer Irujo’s allegations, but indirectly threatened “saying that CEN has a lot of information.” In any case, he said that in the coming days they will meet with the department of Irujo and return to the subject.
Cristina Ibarrola, from Navarra Suma, denounced the misunderstanding that Osasunbidea does not use masks in the warehouse and, on the contrary, buy others “and paying more”. He did not explain transaction prices.
At Wednesday’s sitting it was clear that the PSN wanted to get rid of any responsibility for the operation, while Geroa Bai wanted to involve the socialists in the operation. For the parliamentarian of Geroa Bai, Mikel Asian, the agreement between Sodena, CEN and Albyn is almost the same as the one previously signed by Sodena and Osasunbidea, which has not raised problems and has done so; it has also considered incomprehensible that Osbidea did not buy materials, “did not even buy the maximum 10% set in the convention.” He acknowledged that the agreement did not require this, but added that “there were no ethical and moral needs”.
According to Adolfo Araitz, of EH Bildu, in the participation of Osasunbidea there is darkness, and it is not understood how what was an initial purchase commitment dissolves in a few days, in addition “without leaving any trace of documentation”.
And the third socialist leader in the plaza was Elma Saiz, PSN Finance Minister. He is also president of the Public Enterprises Corporation of Navarra and, as he explained in the Parliament, he knew the Sodena, CEN and Albyen Convention, but not with deep knowledge. They come to the Management Boards of Sodena, but they do not have a vote and the operations are not fully reported. He stresses that the responsibility for the operation is exclusive to Sodena, delegating the responsibilities to Mikel Irujo, the President of Sodena.
The forces of the government PSN and Geroa Bai are discussing the issue of the mask, but what they have said so far is the president of that government, María Chivite. Last July, the Government Inspectorate stated that the Convention presented a number of irregularities, including the special time at which it lived, that the Convention needed express permission from the Government and did not have it.
On 26 December, during an air strike, the Israeli Army killed five Palestinian journalists trying to reach the city. They killed 130 Palestinian journalists. This news has reminded me of a couple of things, the first, the persecution of true journalists in any part of the world,... [+]